Content Expansion Adventure - Chapter 1 - Benhuyna (2024)

Chapter Text

Terraia, wonderful and mysterious to those who dwell it's worlds, is perfectly balanced.

Created by the Gods to guaranteed fairness for all the living beings. A balance of great importance, with no cost too great in seeking its fulfillment. Eons have passed since then, countless living worlds have been created from the Gods' fairness experiment and reside withing the Terraria's cosmos. Each world is sentient to know all that is going and feel the thoughts of every beings: with their sole purpose to ensure the balance is maintained at all cost, even violently if needed.

It is against the backdrop of this precious balance of life, desolation and pain that the great battles of legend and the adventures of our time take place, passing down knowledge through the Order of The Guide, inspiring the generations to come.

In the blind spot of the universe, exists a planet of unprecedented potential, with stories and adventure yet to be told. A great battle waged by the ancient race of Dryads against Cthulu, a conqueror of unknown origin and unimmesurable power, to save Terraria and all life from annihilation. Despite the Dryad's best efforts, Terraria's last hope failed to kill the beast. But their combine strength has weakened Cthulu's ability to wreak havoc, ultimately forcing the creature to retreat to the darkside of the moon, where he rest to gather strength for another attempt in conquest of Terraria. As for the Dryads, sadly, all but a single member perished... and the sole survivor has not been seen for many, many years.

A thousand years later, Comes a man with unswerving will.

He fought tooth and nails, disgusted Death with his failures. Slaying formidable monsters, using their parts to become stronger. Formed many allies and friends. Raised structures that scraped the heavens, arenas that spread for miles. Made hard decision for he tbigger picture. A great craftman and engineer. He challenged Cthulu, who came back as the Moon Lord. The world was swallow in darkness as they fought, after many failures, Finally the Moon Lord has been defeated by the legendary hero, The Terrarian.

The death of Cthulu spread throught he cosmos, they celebrated the fall of the monster. However, Calamity befalled on their home, from the Calamity that is haunting the universe. Many legends told thoughout the universe. A benevolence God of the night sky, who devourer dead star to birth anew and, shining the nights of countless worlds. A mighty Goddess living in the stars of other planets, hellbent on purification through erasure. The selfish Devourer who sought power of other divinities. A sole survior of a malicious dragon hunt by the Gods. A crimson witch of a fallen empire. And the Godseeker who waged war against the divinity through regretful methods.

Cthulu has a history not yet known by the people of the planet. His rampage through countless world, and killing gods brought started a war between him and the Ancient race of divine Dragons. The battle rumbled the cosmos, leaving the King of Dragon wounded. Tension rises, aliance formed just to stop him. Cthulu concluded his conquest would be difficult if not impossible with the reputation made. He went to searched for an unfathomable power strong enough to cut off death, and he did. Wanting to hoard the power for himself only. He conjure runes that disconnect the solar system from the universe and hiding himself away until he could gain the power of this world without any disturbance.

But the fall of the Moon Lord, broke a veil that hides the planet from the chaos outside, brought attention towards the world hero and his world. Many have their reasons, some seek to rid the power, some no diffrent from the conqueror. Astrum Deus, insearch of a cure for the astral infection within itself, was trapped inside it's own mind as the infection take over seeking to infect the planet. Fortunately, the Star God's desease, which tried to take over the planet was cured and defeated by the Terrarian, has been liberated. Astrum Deus return to wander the cosmos creating new star without the fear of infection by solution of the Terrarian.

Providence, the Profaned Goddess saw the Terrarian as a desease, an insult to the purity of creation. She hid her self in the planet's sun, planing to ovemass the sun twenty times over swallowing the planet, trigger a supernova and collapse into a blackhole to ensure the erasure of the Terrarian's world. Though her method is a bit overkill, it was a threat to the Terrarian. He hunted down her guardians, used their body to created a tangible vessle for the goddess and trapping her into it, where the Terrarian put an end to the Goddess.

The Devourer of Gods, the otherworldy gluttnous beast, sought to absorbed the power of the Blazing Goddess. He ordered his servants the envoy Signus, Ceaseless Void, and Storm Weaver to hunt down the ensence of the Goddess through countless solar systems, Only to be met with the news that Providence was defeated in a world prized by the infamous Cthulu. Aiming to fill in the position of the conqueror, the Devourer set out to take the power for himself. But his demise was no different from the predessor.

The Godseeker, Yharim take notice of the hero, seeing how similar they both are, but the journey can only have one person, Yharim challenged the Terrarian, to see whoever will take eachother's destiny. But his closes friend, family Yharon opposed. He couldn't accept the path his master has chosen. The Dragon reasoned with his friend. who insist on the battle. But the Dragon cannot accept this path. He sought to fight the Terrarian, and find a way to ensure his master's victory...

A beautiful mountain grassland under the cloudless blue sky that stretches into the dark space, laid an arena that covered an area of 20 squared kilometers, bordered by dozens of thins pillars that stretches beyond the clouds. Railway tracks was spreaded through out the sky and above. On the ground, campfires was placed, heart shaped lanterns are buried under the hollow space of the arena. At the center, is a man covered in armor, that is emiting with blue and violet energy-God Slayer Armor-. He carried a shield with the same designed that of the armor, but heating at the temperature of the sun-Asguardian Aegis-. He wears a perculiar winged metal boots-Elysian Tracers-, and gaunlets brimming with flames, frost and poison-Elemental Gaunlet-.

He wore an expressionless face, hanging inside the opened up horned greathelm. He ruffled his hand within his pockets, seemly his inventory as he pulled out an reddish egg covered with gold and emerald spots. At that moment, he cracked the egg in his hand as a stream of flames covered the man head to toe brimming him with a infernal aura.

A raging storm is approaching from outside the universe

The helmet eyes glowed with energy as he shut it. He immediately pulled out his blade and-!!THWOOM!!-A massive shockwave that exploded the heavens for thousands of miles away. The sky turned orange, filling the air with melting temperature. The border of the arena was surrounded by massive flaming pillars. The center, where the man was, was curved as spacetime is affected by the unmesurable mass, before the frabic of reality slowly restore as distortion fades.

The man stood his ground clashing agaisn't the burning aura. He moved his blade and deflected the attack that knocked both the man and the raging storm back. The man catches himself as he face the burning storm infront of him. Gradually, the fire died down, revealing a red furred platipus like bird, with a tryceratop like frill, four golden horns and a beak like that of an aligator, it has some gold decorating it's wings and wrist, an emerald necklace at it's chest. The beast stared back at the man with annoyance in it's green eye.

"Will you ever give up, Terrarian" Growled the winged beast, as it started to brim itself with energy.

Yharon, Dragon of Rebirth has awoken

Yharon breath out a line of flare dusts that steadily accelerate toward the Terrarian, whose Tracers lifted him up as he weaved around the homing projectile, The hero threw out his galaxy burning sword-Galaxia-spinning like a buzzsaw at the dragon, who backed off but after sustaining a few cut. The Phoenix than charged at the Terrarian who dashes through the dragon with his Asguardian Aegis that exploded the bird with purple flame-God Slayer Inferno- and negating the dragon's attack.

The Terrarian deflected a Flare Missile from Yharon, giving the dragon time to close distance. The hero dodged Yharon's haymakers, flapped upward, evading the Dragon's tail sweep and performing a jump kick on the dragon's head, flying higher away from the beast. Yharon create more flare dusts that accelerate after the Terrarian. The flare bomb split up and catches up to the hero, forcing him to parry them with Galaxia, however the projectile was overwhelming covering the hero whole before exploding into a massive ball of fire. But In the nick of time, The Terrarian dashed out unscathe.

Yharon lunge at the hero at a blinding speed, throw a flaming haymaker at the Terrarian and got behind the man's back. The Terrarian got caught of guard twice, deflecting Dragon fist that pop into a barrage of flame-crackers stunning the hero regardless. At the time, Yharon finished charging up his breath and flamethrow the hero, turning him into puff of smoke...?

"What-" Yharon muttered as he felt a melting sensation with sharpness behind his back. The Terrarian managed to backstabed the dragon with his purple curve broadsword-Exelsus- and Injuring Yharon with God Slayer Inferno.

The Phoenix violently flipped the Terrarian off his back, Yharon glared at the warrior, "You're just full of tricks, Terrarian"

The Terrarian shrugged at the remark. The dragon could feel the smirk under that helmet. The Terrarian then slashed a flurry of projectiles with Exelsus while Yharon evades, and created a trail of flare dust that hasten toward the Terrarian, as Yharon does the same, overwhelming the hero.

The hero summoned a pink jelly mount that dragged him down, quickly evading the dragon's attack. Yharon, imediately charged and pushed through Galaxia-Aries' Wrath- catching the hero by surprised. The Terrarian called back his blade and clashed the The Dragon with Polaris' Gaze, it's flame clashed with Yharon's own. The Dragon then dodge a swing from the hero but recieve a kick by the Terrarian. Despite Polaris' Gaze ever increasing size, it's still nimble in the hero's hand. Yharon quickly barrage the hero who seemingly rolled on the dragon's punchs and kicks dodging the attack, before the Dragon back with a kick, following with a strike from Galaxia launching the Dragon back and releasing Polaris' Gaze firing the Northern Star that blasting the Dragon down.

"Ugh!! " Yharon grunted as he recovered his flight, the dragon take a deep inhale and blew out a mighty humid gale, Yharon beats his wings controlling the wind in a spiral, A whirlwind. The Terrarian tried to fly away, futile it was. He got sucked into the whirlwind and into the burning hurricane. Hundred of squared kilometers, was taken over by the raging storm, burning everything in it's way.

The Terrarian fire a worm like hook-Bobbit Hook- onto the railway track that is uneffected by the melting tempertature. The hero pulled himself higher and away from the center of the flaming whirlwind. Thus, the Terrarian blasted off higher than the thundering ashen clouds and into the stratosphere.

Yharon stood in the center of the burning hurricane, searching through the ashen clouds for the hero. Although he couldn't find the Terrarian, the colour of the sky reminded him of a certain ginger.

The Ashen cloud passes through the The Dragon likethrough columns...Yharon slowly walked on the red carpet of a throne room. It was empty, nobody was there except him, and a man in gold beside the window. Gazing upon the stars, nebula and natural phenomenon in the universe. Universes.

"Am I too hasty in experiencing? " Questioned the man in gold, not taking his eyes of the universe before him.

"Could you be a little bit mindful of what you're saying, first? " Yharon grumped back, forcing a slight chuckle out of the man who lightly jab the giant phoenix before resuming on his business, "When we waged war against the Gods. Expanding our little army and getting them into space. I felted wonderous at everything in the cosmos..."

Yharon observed the man as he speaks, feeling the mood died down as he continue, "Through war, we expand. Recruit and spread our reign aross the galaxies as the battle became gruesome. It was the only thing I focused on. Now...I've reached the end...I no longer find that thrill I had before...And my eager ended too early"

"I...Have nothing to say of that" Yharon muttered, sitting and accompany the man by the window.

"Could that Terrarian be expriencing the same thing? " The armored man wondered before continuing, "unless he is, I will look foward-".

"No-" "It's already settle-" "YHARIM!!"

"Why is this challenge neccessary?!"Yharon shouted at his master, "Because of honour? of glory? or is it pride?! "

Yharim didn't respond, he take a moment to let the tension died down before saying, "My lack of enthusiam is becoming the death of me. Seeking through the Terrarian, I want to know, to learn and to feel...thrilled. I will take his will and if I were to falter, He will take my mission and position "

Yharon didn't want to argue much with his master. He



Yharon charged up and create a flaming tornado that becomes bigger and stronger chasing after the Terrarian who flew higher than the stratosphere. Looking back, a blur appeared at him,

"Got you, " before the Terrarian could react he was knocked cold, Yharon stopped behind the Terrarian, throwing a 2-3-2 the Terrarian snapped back and blocked the cross and lead hook but Yharon grab the blade and deliver a blow at the Terrarian's helm breaking it apart and pushing him back, following with a flare bomb to subdue the man's movement and a fast charge to close up distance.

The Terrarian predicted his movement and throw a purple axe-like hammer that struck the dragon and three purple smaller variants appeared and hit the Bird from different angle boomerang. He tried to block but the boomerang like nature struck him from behind when returning back to the Terrarian's hand,

The jungle dragon was then overwhelm with flurry of attack from the attack, the mastery combo between the Galaxy Smasher and The Enforcer was to behold, The terrarian threw the hammer which got parried by Yharon who then prepares to flamethrow the attacker but was struck by the smasher from the smash into the Terrarian's Galaxia thrust impaling the dragon, the hero dodges the dragon attempt to maul him apart, he then threw the dragon off his blade followed with a flying hammer cutting him from front and back,

Yharon was getting annoyed by the Terrarian's attack, the terrarian dashed into the dragon with his aegis, trying to slash the beast as it dodges his attempt, and catches the hero's front kick, and evading a knee strike from under his head before tanking a galaxy smasher to the face to lock the terrarian in his claws,

Even for an human this small, his strength is not to be underestimated, but it does not matter as Yharon charged up the infernal flame to roast this grunt but the galaxy smasher eighth strike on the dragon created a supercharged version of the hammer, spinning like a buzzsaw before smashign into the dragon creating a loud metal bang that echo for miles interuptin the vaporization of the terrarian.

"Enough!!" Before the terrarian could continue his pursuit, the Dragon roared and blasted the hero with it's wing beat and started to fly around in a loop and covering him with tons of Flare Bombs that fly in every direction, the pattern was of the flare bomb is predictable, but it's number is overwhelming keeping the Terrarian busy.

the Dragon then charged at the Terrarian who was trapped between the flare bombs, he blast a flaming missile at the terrarian which he deflect but blasting into a flare bomb which blasted him towards the Phoenix who ram the Human then whacked the hero away with it's tail.

The two then clash in power midair, they chase and evade leaving ghostly image as they move, wether up upon the thermospere and down to the ground. their movement was flawless and instantaenous. Creating a beautiful constelation of purple and orange,

"Comet Flash!!" The phoenix roared as he blow the Terrarian back, who then grappled onto the trainrail with his hook and pull himself at a lighting speed toward the Dragon, who summon Flare dusts at the Terraian who use his bobbit hook and lay out cart rails to out manuver all of the projectile and dash toward the dragon with his cross slash that carve into the beast's arms before recieving a push kick from the big monster,

The dragon then flies in a loop creating a bigger field of flare dusts than last time, limiting the Terrarian movement, but there was a narrow line of sight which the Terrarian caught on and pull out a rod with a spread out pink shape and teleport behind the Dragon delievering a downward cut on the back of the dragon before evading the Big Flare Nado that was following him, a giant Infernado raged on covering the sky,

"Annoying pest!!" The Dragon dashed behind the Terrarian who parried the backfist of the dragon, Yharon wildly overwhelming the Terrarian with his rapid-fire fisticuffs of Dragonfire. But the terrarian merely parried all of it with perfect posture, The dragon flew in a loop creating again a flare dust bullethell, but decided to surpirsed charged the Terrarian who then react and parried Yharon causing him to lose his guard as the terrarian held on to the horn of the Dragon and digged his blade up the dragon's neck forcing the blade slowly up to the Phoenix's head before filling it's skull with God slaying inferno,

The Terrarian pull out his Exelsus as the dragon gargled on his blood looking at the Terraian with his green eyes before slowly turning to ashes and fade away.

The sky slowly turn back into it's blue hue as sunlight returned. The terrarian took a sip of a red flask slither with golden line, It slowly regenerate wound and leaking body part of the terraian, the God Slayer armor slowly regerates its plating and rematerialize the armor back into full conditions. The hero then place a sharping station on the rail and sharpened his sword. he prepared and refill all his enhancement drugs.

The air is getting warmer around you

The ashes slowly follow a breeze into an energy point, slowly the ashes form a silhouette of the beast, he open his wings regaining this fur and color,

No matter where you are you will hear the Roar of the Jungle Dragon. Reborn!

A sun bright flashed burst followed with a thermonuclear shockwave melting reality itself, covering the entire statosphere of the arena.

The blast approaches the Terrarian who uses scissor like blade to parry the nuke blast creating and endure the infernal temprature that could melt even the cosmic metal.


Yharon sendout flare nados that chases the hero, as he spun out countless flare dusts painting the battlefield with it's star shape patterns.

The Terrarian flied high above the mesosphere as Yharon give chases, At they were very far away. Yharon proceed to speedblitz behind and charge the terrarian who already predicted his pattern and summon a purple slimy mount that pulls the Terrarian falling back through the stratosphere at terminal velocity and into the storm of wandering flare dusts,

While falling the terraraian threw flurrys of dark brown knives that cut the Dragon before it splitting turning the Dragon's blood into white energy the come back to the Terrarian in an instance, healing him.

"Playing that game again!!!" as Yharon beats his wings diving downward like a meteor,

The phoenix fires a flurry of firebombs that dive after the terrarian,

The situation was grueling, having to manuver the Gelatinous Pillon around the hellstorm of projectile all the while keeping the dragon from healing himself with Exelsus's Inferno,

But evading those Dive bombs and Yharon is going to be a bit of hassle, but it is not impossibe.

sustaining a few hit from the bomb the terrarian, dismount his slime and slitter arround as the divebomb smashed down below and create a cluster of gravity-affected fireballs like motars, It was like moving through an inferal rainstorm,.

The terrarian was making end to the flaming pillar getting cornered by the dragon, Finding this oppotunity, Yharon rushed at the Terrarian like a bull who was caught off guard and taking the full brunt of Yharon's golden horn, who then launch in crashing into the flaming pillars that sent the hero upward into the sky,

The Terrarian cameout of the burning pillars above the clouds, with nearly all of skin melting and armor gone, he didn't expressed any pain, and having the strength to parried yharon's Dragonic Missile.

"Melted to the bone, and yet, your strength and expression remains the same" Yharon glared at the human before him who gulped down a potion recovering his flesh in an instance, with his armor slowly fixes itself,

Yharon parried the flying Galaxy smasher with his horn and charge at the terrarian who dashes with his Aegis the two clash into eachother as they engage in close combat, The terrarian weave through claws, parried Yharon's right jab to spining left elbow to a full 360 rightleg drago kick, before returning his own slashing the beast with Empyrean Knives, Yharon try to land a hit on the smaller target the weave through his attack while stabbing the dragon with knives every oppotunity he gets,

Yharon was then push back by the brunt of the Galaxy Smasher , He put his guard up to try and charge his dragon flames, but the terrarian pried his guard open and dropkicked his face from flaming the hero. Follow with gutting him with Excelsus.

The Terrarian who the try to use Aries' Wrath attacking the Phoenix who endure and kneekicked the Terrarian higher into space, He then warp behind the Terrarian, The dragon fly in a loop and trick the terrarian into flying away from the feint bullethell and forced the surprised Terrarian to block his charge.

Yharon then feint a tail whip, putting the Terraian's guard up, before flaming the hero with his breath. Blasting a flame missile and charge which the Terrarian deflect.

The terrarian does slash the beast with the Excelsus who Comet Flash the hero back, he walked into the dragons trap, Trying to focus and react to the attack in time rather than following a rhythm, He has to be patient and get away from the dragon to regenerate, Yharon then summon homing flare dusts at him before flying in a loop and the terrarian caught on to the upcoming Thermo Cyclone and blast upward away and escaping the Jungle Dragon's onslaught and into...Yharon.

"Lost sight of the prize, hero?" Yharon predicted where the Terrarian would go and charged there in time to meet the unaware Hero.

Finally the Terrarian's guard was broken as Yharon punch through the hero's Galaxia block.

Yharon them grab the Terrarian then fly down lighting up the atmosphere , hundreds miles away anyone can see the burning comet coming down. Yharon then use lock the terrarian in his claws and push the hero toward the ground as they dive. The hero struggle in his arm trying to break free.

"It's useless now-" The Terrarian rolled his leg free from his the Dragon grasp and dazed Yharon with a kick as they both spin and wrestle on who would divebomb eachother, The terrarian manage to Aprrehend the Dragon by locking it's right arm hand holding onto the beast' left horn, but at the last minute the hero was slashed in the back by the dragon's tail and Yharon hold his head in his claw the Dragon crash the Terrarian head first in the ground.

Creating a massive explosion raising the debris beyond the clouds that with a loud explosion that reached the People hundred of miles away fromt he battlefield.

the dust slowly settled, as the dragon emerge in the dust and ashes. he look down at the masterpiece he has create for the hero... he look at the ashy body of the Terrarian...

"Try again next time" Yharon grumbled, But he felt a pain in on his abadoment as he saw a lot of empyrean knives lodge into him and returning onto the Terrarian who backflipped away from the dragon as he uses the knives to regenerate.

"How did you survive!?" Yharon was flabbergasted, The Terrarian then remove a purple and blue metal medalion,

'Nebulous Core'

The Terrarian then heal witht the Omega Healing Potion, cracking his neck before staring at the Dragon with his dull expression from the cracked God Slayer Helm. The hero then equip a blade sheath with interesting modication as he slowly draw a crimson blade, sparkling with an electric aura. The Murasama.

"Your determination is irksome" The sky slowly lose its orange color as it got sucked into the Yharon all the infernal flame went back in to the dragon as he absorbed it all. Everythign turn dark as the only thing they could see is the glowing spark of the sun. The a wisp comes out and help the terrarian to brighten aournd him

The light of blade clashing light the area, as the Terrarian stood his ground deflecting with the Murasama, the dragon move like throught the night undetected overwhelming the Terrarian with his speed alone rendering any movement from the hero.

*Terrarian thoughts*

Using the bobbit hook he grappled onto the train rails and with the slime mount rocket himself out of the ground and into the darkness above.

while moving upward the Terrarian brace for any attack make from the dragon. Out speeding Yharon is impossible during Reservation Mode. A bright sparkle appeared behind him as he deflect the
massive fireball back at it sender, but there was nothing. More fireball aim at him at multiple angle. as he deflect it every where. lighting up the sky like fireworks. but still there is no sign of the dragon moving around. The fireball slowly increase it's firerate and slowly reveal the position of the Dragon.

The fireball slowly turn into a flaming beam chasing after the Terrarian who manuver away from the beam. The hero uses Exelsus to parry the beam infecting the beam with purple God Slayer Inferno that moves toward it's source. But Yharon stop firing before the effect could get to him.

The hit by the holy flame of the Phoenix's flaming barage.

atlast the sunlight returns and reveal the ashy dragon burnignw ith infernal flame from within. The Terrarian then engage the dragon in close combat with parrying and attacking each other's attack.

the terrarian parry the massive cut in space from Yharon's wing before rod of discord behind the Dragon and stabbing the Dragon with Galaxia, He sucker punch the beast's face before pushing the Dragon down to the ground, the both wrestle as the terrarian retreive his galaxia damaging the Dragon. before using galaxia's Andromeda's Stride to downward punge the Dragon chest release the blade energy that rocket them downward


the Impact created multiple of mountainous pillars of green and orange that filled the arena with dark poisnous smoke. at the center a bright explosion burst forth revealing Yharon who manage to change form before impact and ressurecting

"This pest is getting annoying, " Yharon tries to fly up and out of the cloud of poisonous gas, but a purple flash knocked him out of the sky and onto the ground, the Dragon recover quickly and off the ground only to be slash in the back by a purple and red flash.

The Terrarian ultilize God Slayer Dash and Murasama and the pillars he set up with Galaxia to richochet around. The Pattern created by the hero's movement build a web like shape focus on the middle whic is the Dragon.

"Whirlwind!!" Yharon explode as he started a flaming hurricane to eradicate the gound area, but a massive force strike his abdomen knocking the flame out of him.

'Devouering Dropkick'

Yharon was sent flying through the pillar and crashing into another,


Multiple After Image of the Terrarian lunge at him, he breath out a mounatainous amount of fire trying to vaporizing the Hero who is evading around using the Astral monoliths. Looking at the Terrarian he focus and calculate the Terrarian's next position, he fire a dragon breath at the Monolith that caught shot down the Terrarian.

"perfect" He lunge at the falling hero who was just an purple after image. The Dragon was taken by surpirsed as a massive amount of force come crashing down on his spine. plunge the Dragon downward onto the Ground pushing the more Fire out of him.

'He is forcing me into my Reservation state?' Yharon thoughted. it would risk his life to use reservation state but he had no choice, he will have to ineviatbly enter Reservation State wheter he like it or not. Running away would led the hero to Yharim.

He has to be quick!

Everything Turn pitchblack again, the Terrarian has successfully force the dragon into using his reservation state. But he can't drag the fight any longer, this is his only chance. before the Dragon become out of reach on his fourth rebirth. The Terrarian stop on top of an astral monolith as he draw the murasama waiting for the dragon's pursuit and drink the hunter potion to highlight the hostility coming his way, which was under him!

The Terrarian perform a back flip as the monolith bursted apart. The he saw the Dragon distant away doing something? before he was smashed away by an object, he try to block what's coming but it was useless as the force strike him from the back. He doesn't know what is going on, why can't the hunter potion detect the dragon? Be brace for another hit that launching up onto the sky

Yharon is using an Mercurial Monolith to attack the hero without using any of his power. He then launch the Ginourmous pillar toward the hero who got strucked by sharp end of the monolith. As the dragon broke through the monolith from it's end reaching the Terrarian, giving the hero a massive knee kick on the abdomen launching him further onto space.

The dragon throw flurry of attack at the terrarian at every angle, using dragon rage. The Terrarian parry the dragon's attack while using Empyrean Knives to counter heal attack the dragon. Yharon charged around attacking trying to overwhelm the Terrarian with his barrage mauling.

"just a litte more" The Dragon thought. He uses his smoke to blind the Terrarian and surprising the hero with the Dragon's Breath. only to find nothing.

The Terrarian didn't know Yharon was this desperate, he rod of discord to teleport above the dragon. And plunge tYharon with Exelsus poisoning the beast before rolling of the dragon's back throwing galaxy smasher to it's face inthe process. Using Asguardian Aegis to dash through Yharon and behind him, shoving Galaxia and Empyrean Knives in the Phoenix's back. Causing the dragon to flip the hero off with a Flame Out as payback.

The Dragon tries using Final Dawn downward slash but the hero perfectly parry the attack. Yharon side flapped from Galaxy Smasher's throw and dodges the Terrarian attempt to cut him with Exelsus, unfortunately The dragon catches the Terrarian's blade holding hand, but the hero does a roundhouse kick at the dragon who catches his attack. The Dragon then proceed to raise the hero up preparing for a backbreaker.

The Dragon dodge the returning Galaxy Smasher releasing the Hero as he got a hold of the weapon and knocking the Terrarian out with the Jab before tail whipped the Terrarian away, and speedblitz behind the hero and blast him with a Dragon's breath. Yharon picked up kick as he ping pong the Terrarian downward ripping the god slayer armor and taking the hero's health by the second.

The Dragon then use Flames' Out to punch the hero flying diagonally onto a position where the Dragon Cover his fist with Auric Metal and prepare to attack the Terrarian. But the Terrarian snap bacak at the climax of the attack, take a healing potion and using the Asguardian Aegis to dash head first at the Phoenix Dragon.

But the Dragon dashes backward with the Hero catching him by surprised

"I'm fond with your tricks, hero. " Yharon grumbled.

"INTERNAL HAVOC!!" Yharon smashes through the Aegis hitting the Terrarian, bursting the hero with flames creating a massive flash bang around the world.

the dust settle as Yharon breath out,

'He pushed me to use my final move, ' Yharon shivered, he finally knew fear, the dragon aware of the thoughts running through him, his mind has become clearer. was it because he knew his defeat is soon to be? He look past his life remembering the war the time spent with his master, the bond he created. The loose end he hasn't done.

was he afraid? No!? he will carry on for his master, no matter the cost!? He save me!? even if his master won't ever listen. He can't blame. His final breath will be a tribute to his master. But before that...

"You and your disapointing trickery!!" Yharon split the Terrarian in half with Final Dawn. catching the Hero by surprised as the failure can be seen through his eye. The body slowly fall into shadow-

"A hallow clone!!!" Yharon widened his eye as he tried to turn back but...

The Terrarian held the Murasama in a laido stance, he pulled the sheath trigger blasting the blade at a speed beyond concievable and

SLashing the Dragon the instance he could turn back into his normal form, the blade gleam in the returning sunlight.

"Gah!!" Yharon choked.

He slowly fall, staring up at the deep blue sky as his vision become blurry at the moment.

Jungle Dragon, Yharon has been defeated...Unless we celebrated too early.

Yharon opened his eye weakly, wondering where he was sent to, heaven? or hell?

The Terrarian face come to view, he stare at the Dragon with that emotionless eye and cold expression. No excitement when winning, No colours of expression, maybe a bit of pity. But in the end he failed his master.

" "Yharon mumbled as The hero raises his blade preparing to execute the beast once and for all.

A rippled cut through space besided the battle interupting the Dragon's demise. A crimson portal of as a four-point stars opened up and merged A whitehair, golden eye dress elegantly in white dress. There was scar marked on her right arm and a Dark crimson cubic aura on her left's. The energy she emits is rather subtle yet divine. lookin upon the surrounding the creation and the Terrarian "Mortal, your insolent journey ends" She Declared, As she manifest a cube in her hand Yharon was surprised to see who this newcomer is, The way she dress isn't familiar with the custom around the universe he had ever seen before. The power she wield is unbesknowst. But judging by her look. He won't be surpirsed if she fought like a certain Witch he known. A string of cubic orb charged at the Terrarian who flew away from the attack, while sending energy blade from Exelsus. at the the Outsider block with a sheild of dark cube. The Terrarian dashes around the tentacle like assault, as he threw the Galaxy Smasher at the Lady who richochet it away with the cube. Taking that chance he rush in with Galaxia, creating a massive explosion. But the person blocked it with her magic. Her expresssion is as dull as the Hero, but there was a tick of bewilderness as she feel the force of The Hero pushing back her four-pointed star shield. She backed off as The Terrarian lunges foward unknownly surrouned by the Cubes as it overwhelmed him by surprised, She looked unimpressed as the hero was drowned by the cubes as she absorbed all of it all into her hand looking at the cube. The Dragon scoffed as he look above seeing the Terrarian with the Murasama preparing to splice the woman in two as she glanced back with surprised covering the space between them with a giant cube. But the Terrarian was relentless as he cut the object in half, melting the magic in the process. She created a big rhombus force field but was blast back as the Terrarian smashed through it with the Murasama. The Terrarian combined The Rage and Andrenaline of his Indominable spirit, only for a little bit of time. As he chases and parrying the cubic projectile as he closes the distant. But what causes her by surprised as he dashes through her attack with an Aegis and the moment they face to face, He co*cked his fist back as a golden energy surround his fist. 'Internal Havoc...' Yharon was Stun at thow the Hero learned his move as the hero deliever a blow right through her force field and onto causing a blind burst of infernal flames. The Terrarian was surprised as the explosion was apprehened with lines of cube covering them and slowly shrinking to the cube that is covering his hand. He struggles and luckily move the cube that is cuffing his hand as The lady covers him with cubes The Terrarian was trapped, they locked eyes as he stare, he cannot let the woman get away, he searched his inventory for something. And he selected The Blossom Pickaxe, And mine his escape breaking all the cubes. He backed away and smashes his hand opened with the pickaxe, But he was surprised by the object that he was holding, The Terrarian picked up the Dark cube that was constantly brimming with yellow, orange & red every second, The cube comes flying onto his hand as he look at the cubes. But was caught his attention was wide eye of the lady as she raises her hand at his direcion specificly the cubes in his hand. He put the Item in his inventory as he draw his weapons. The Lady was confused why her cube vanish in his hand. He is a human as she looked at him, no energy signature but only the accessories he is carrying. If thats the case. She summond a mountanous amounrt of Cube and crushed the Terrarian who Started to mine the cubis as it overwhelms him. Slowly it was darkness, but he was mining and mining trying to breakout and constantly maintaining the cramp space. He will break out and slay who ever just standway, no matter how long he has to mine, as long as he is alive, he will defeat them. The god then shrunk the giant cube in her hand, she sighed, "Mankind's arrogance paves their downfall. " "W-Who are you ?..." Yharon panted, as he pushes himself up. The lady glanced at the Dragon and slowly float towards him "The sustainer of heavenly Principles" she replied, "Heavenly Principles? " The Phoenix muttered before he started to chuckled as he broke into a laugh, which disinterest the Lady "We divines, put out lead humanity away from their own hubris with our power, To bring balance to everything that surrounds " the Unknown god raises her hand at the Dragon, as if to recruit him , "We will bring balance to the everything if we guide them correctly, " Yharon pushes himself up as he was tempted by the proposal, he raises his hand toward the god's hand. A Giant echo burst out. The goddess stared emotionlessly at the raging Dragon who claw is inches away from ripping the Goddes apart. "Balance?!" Yharon yelled, "Gods like you are no difference from the pile of snakes, " The Phoenix was slowly drowned as he roared stuggling to get out of the cube that cover him whole, before dissapearing into her hands. She float higher into the sky looking around at her surroundings. Miles away was building and structure of civilazation, the way the house float without energy keeping it a float, mankind technology has no style, no rules, chaotic. Away from the island she can see destruction of civilization, only debris was left. She raises her hand as she manifest cubes that cover the sun slowly digging into the earth. the cube spread like bridges making it way over to the jolly town miles away.

Content Expansion Adventure - Chapter 1 - Benhuyna (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.