The photos are from a 1914 “Picture Book” published by the Enterprise of many, many sites around the village. I can’t wait for the winter months to publish a picture trove of carnival and skating events.
In the meantime, this is breaking news from many sources; the following was 113 years ago on page one of the the Adirondack Record of AuSable Forks. I am surprised that Jim Rogers is not mentioned in any of the news stories because his family was quite prominent in that village at the time.
Veterans pension increase
(February 17, 1911)
“War veterans in the village and throughout Essex County have this week watched with much interest the progress of the Sulloway bill which increases the general pension roll about $50,000.000 (?) a year, giving to every old soldier over 62 years of age the sum of $15 per month; to everyone over 65 years of age, $25 per month; to everyone over 70 years of age, $30 and to everyone over 75 years, $36 per month. The bill which had previously passed the House, the Senate Committee on pensions voted a favorable report, their vote standing 8 to 3.”
Opposing fishing licenses
“Rod and gun enthusiasts at the Rensselaer County Court House last Saturday evening, under the auspices of the Rensselaer County Sportsmen’s Association, discussed game-breeding farms. The use of ferrets in hunting rabbits was opposed. A resolution to co-operation of the sportsmen and farmer to punish lawless game hunters was adopted.
“The meeting placed itself in opposition to the requirement of a fishing license. October 1 was favored as early enough to begin the hunting season, and December 1 ought to end it. This Legislative Committee was Thomas F. Galvin, Calvin S. McChesney, Seymour Van Santwood, Charles G. Cleminshaw, John R. McLaren and Dr. Charles G. Myers.”
The red and white
(The name of the SLHS newspaper & athletic teams)
(November & December 1940)
No Redskins, no other name considered, everything was under the school colors. The following is from the school newspaper.
Seat selection
“A bill to keep up with the modern reenplacement program or the first peacetime draft, has been proposed and passed by Mr. Hafer. (John S. Hafer was principal of the Senior High School, and Miss Margaret M. Seymour was principal of the Junior High School.)
“There was something about the arrangement of the students in study hall, which was not at all conducive to profitable study.
“Slips of paper were prepared on which appeared the row and seat number. These slips were then placed in a box — the nearest thing to a fish bowl that could be found at the time. Each student was then invited to draw the number which would enlist him to a permanent position in the army of seniors.
“The front row had been reserved for those who need to be isolated in solitary confinement.”
School lady gets high praise
“Congratulations, Miss Forth, (Miss Ruth E. Forth was the English and Dramatics teacher) both your choice and direction of “An Amateur Hamlet” was 24-carat entertainment; the characters were superb.
“Bobby Fisher might well have been the fellow Shakespeare had in mind when he wrote his play. Jane DeLaMater made an excellent sister, she almost stole the show. Jane Chapple in the role of Hilda; Tom Rogers in the role of Charles Carter; Barbara Mooney in the part of Mrs. Carter; Kingsley Swinyer in the role of Jackson Trent; Margaret Shea in the part of Mrs. Trent; and Donald Roberson in the roles of Dr. Wellington gave admirable performances.”
Faculty to be quizzed
“Scheduled for this Friday. December 6th, is the Junior Class Assembly under the supervision of Mr. Dwyer. (William Dwyer was an English teacher.)
“The program which is divided into parts, will open with the talks by members of the Junior Class on the subject of democracy. The second part is to be given to a representative group of social studies teachers. Mr. Littell, Mr. Hafer and Miss Seymour, Mrs. Alliason, Mrs. Kiernan, Mrs. DeLisle and Mr. Perry will try to answer any questions proposed by the student body.
“The questions will be hard enough to make our teachers think.”
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