Simply A Projection (Worm Projection Quest) (2024)


[16][Projection] As you died, you heard… a piano. It was your funeral dirge, imposing and regal. It was the song of a scholar, a commander, a woman of passionate learning. Her presence was both a pressure and a relief, an ever present, eternal embrace that could protect as well as it could crush. Her lineage was legendary, and her exploits broadcast around the world. But though this one was a pinnacle, she was human as well. And that was perhaps her greatest strength. (Projection ?03)

[1][Projection] As you died, you were greeted with callous regard. This form looked down upon you with pity and remorse. The innovator inside wanted to study you, but her restraint was lacking. Could you truly trust this woman to be what your Host needed? In a way, that suspicion may have been what answered your question. Because no matter what, this Projection would protect your Host, and all your Host cared for. No matter what. (Projection ?06)

  • Name: Cynthia
  • Projection: L03
  • Origin: Pokémon Masters EX
  • Bio: The Champion of the Sinnoh Region, Cynthia is an avid archaeologist who studies myths and legends surrounding Pokémon, especially the Legendary Pokémon of time and space. Though typically laid-back and adventurous, Cynthia is a ruthless battler who has ended many a League run and caused nightmares in challengers and foes alike. She enjoys traveling and playing the piano.
  • Physical Traits: 6'02", Blonde Hair, Grey Eyes, Wavy Hair, Knee-Length Hair, Sharp Features
  • Mental Traits: Generous, Adventurous, Polite, Curious, Adaptable, Passionate, Rambling, Competitive
  • Memento: ???
  • Teachable Skills
    • Investigation
      • Cynthia isn't just a Champion, she's an archaeologist, too. Greatly enhances perception and pattern-recognition, and allows for more accurate leaps in logic.
  • Teachable Skills
    • Investigation
      • Cynthia isn't just a Champion, she's an archaeologist, too. Greatly enhances perception and pattern-recognition, and allows for more accurate leaps in logic, even lacking evidence.
  • Teachable Powers
    • (Requires Any Pokémon) Sync Moves
      • Let's shine together! Once a day, Pokémon can utilize extremely powerful "Sync Moves". Pokémon who can Mega Evolve do so during the move.
    • (Requires Projection ?05, Teachable Powers B) Transfer
      • If it fits in your pocket and is a monster, it's a Pocket Monster. Grants the ability to use Sub Projections as Pokémon.
  • Equipment/Summons
    • Gastrodon (♀)
      • Cynthia's cutest wall. Grants the ability to traverse water. A Water and Ground-Type Pokémon. Can use Earthquake and Rock Tomb.
        • Sync Move: Living Relic Ground Impact
        • Resistance: Rock
        • Weakness: Grass
        • Abilities
          • Sticky Hold: Prevents the removal of held items.
          • Storm Drain: Grants immunity to Water-Type attacks and boosts special attack when hit by them.
          • Sand Force: Raises the power of Rock, Ground, and Steel-Type moves in a sandstorm.
    • Lucario (♂)
      • There's a reason this Pokémon is so popular. A Fighting and Steel-Type Pokémon. Can use Vacuum Wave and Superior Aura Sphere.
        • Sync Move (Mega Lucario): Learn by Battle Aura Sphere
        • Immunity: Poison
        • Weakness: Fire
        • Abilities:
          • Steadfast: Boosts speed whenever this Pokémon flinches.
          • Inner Focus: Prevents this Pokémon from becoming confused.
          • Justified: Boosts attack whenever this Pokémon is hit by Dark-Type attacks.
          • (Mega) Adaptability: Further increases the power of moves that are the same Type as the user.
    • Garchomp (♀)
      • Cynthia's partner and ace in every world. A Ground and Dragon-Type Pokémon. Can use Earthquake and Slash.
        • Sync Move (Mega Garchomp): Earthquake of Ancient Lore
        • Immunity: Electric
        • Weakness: Ice
        • Abilities:
          • Sand Veil: Increases evasion in a sandstorm.
          • Rough Skin: Damages enemies on direct contact.
          • (Mega) Sand Force: Raises the power of Rock, Ground, and Steel-Type moves in a sandstorm.
    • Kommo-o (♂)
      • One of the less popular pseudo-legendaries, I'm afraid. A Fighting and Dragon-Type Pokémon. Can use Dragon Breath and Clanging Scales.
        • Sync Move: Historymaker Clanging Scales
        • Resistance: Rock
        • Weakness: Fairy
        • Abilities:
          • Bulletproof: Grants immunity to physical projectiles.
          • Soundproof: Grants immunity to sound-based effects.
          • Overcoat: Grants immunity to the effects of weather.
    • (Requires Projection ?07, Teachable Powers A) Giratina (-)
      • Passed down through the generations, the Renegade Pokémon will not falter in the face of any enemy. Grants access to the Distortion World and Space-Time Distortions. A Ghost and Dragon-Type Legendary Pokémon. Can use Shadow Ball and Shadow Force.
        • Sync Move: Renegade Shadow Force
        • Immunity: Normal
        • Weakness: Fairy
        • Abilities:
          • Pressure: Exerts a mental pressure on enemies.
          • Telepathy: This Pokémon will automatically avoid attacks from its own allies.
          • (Origin Forme) Levitate: Grants immunity to Ground-Type attacks.

Monday, January 17th, 2011

Current Energy: 30

Current Senergy: 10

PR Campaign: Part of the Neighborhood MK2 (24/60 Progress)

Current Engineering: Anti-Endbringer Platform (1/15 Progress)

It took an hour to reconstitute yourself but… you were alive! Your Host and Weaver were hiding in an empty shop, and your Host… she was clutching the armband Mitsuru gave her to her chest. Oh, Host…

"I'm back!" You tried to inject as much cheer into your voice as possible, putting on a brave smile for your Host. Her head shot up like a Spoink, revealing red-rimmed, puffy eyes.

"QA?" she asked, dropping her armband to a table and jumping to her feet. She took a few hesitant steps toward you and asked, "Is that… are you really…?"

Without hesitation, you pulled your Host into a bone-crushing hug. It felt a little odd, being taller than her now, but this also felt more correct. You were the one taking care of her, so you should be taller!

"It's me, Host," you said, running your fingers through her hair. It was a little longer than you remembered, but it could have simply grown since the last time you did this. "I promised, didn't I? I'm not going anywhere. Though, sorry for the wait. I forgot that it would take time to reconfigure my settings."

Your Host sobbed, burying her face in your chest. "You were gone. I felt it, our connection… it just… vanished. I never even realized there was a connection until it snapped, and… I thought you…"

"Oh, Host…" you repeated aloud. "I'm sorry for worrying you. But there's no need to fear, okay? I'm back."

Casting a glance over your Host's head, you found Weaver closely watching you and your Host. She noticed you looking and winked, turning away to give your Host some semblance of privacy.

After a bit more crying (Your Host was a bit of a crybaby; it was adorable!) your Host pulled back and retrieved her precious armband, wrapping it around her left shoulder the way Mitsuru wore it. Once it was firmly affixed, she strode toward the door, rubbing her eyes. "Let's go home, QA. I want the others to be around when we do introductions."

Your Host was still exhausted from the battle against A Team, but she was pushing through it. She'd probably be going to sleep later tonight, but then, she had been sleeping early lately anyway.

Weaver parted ways, saying "I got what I wanted and don't want to intrude," so your Host trudged her way home with only you for company. But your company was amazing, and you kept her occupied with whatever topics filled your head.

By the time she opened the basem*nt door, you had asked her all about this world's religions and myths, and she had answered with what knowledge she had absorbed from fiction and school reading. The Greeks and Romans had myths quite similar to what you were familiar with, being polytheistic, while Christianity held more parallels in the actual lore, with a sole "creator" figure at the top, and a rebellious "fallen deity" residing in another, darker world.

You didn't think this "Satan" was half as impressive as Giratina, though. Your Renegade was a nice eldritch monster, maintaining the integrity of the world's physical boundaries from a distorted alternate dimension, not some suit-wearing snake buried underground.

Compared to your time as Mitsuru, who was generally content remaining silent unless spoken to, you couldn't stop yourself from asking questions. "What is this?" "What is that?" "Why does this work the way it does?" If your Host wasn't such a sweet girl, she would have gotten annoyed with you. As it was, she patiently answered all your questions and listened to your comments, until a tiny smile graced her lips.

In her past, she had been a bit of a motormouth. Cynthia seemed to have grown up without losing that trait. It made you feel warm inside that you and your Host shared something so insignificant, yet so fundamental.

The basem*nt was quiet, everyone gathered around the low table used for mealtime. Amelia was conked out on her futon, but stirred when you entered. Madison and Mrs. Lee were sharing the laptop, and Ceres… Why had she gone ashen all of a sudden?

"Oh f*ck," Ceres whimpered, attracting the others' attention. Madison's eyes widened, and Mrs. Lee looked both mournful and proud.

Amelia, the silly girl, shot upright and exclaimed, "Damn, are all of your forms going to be this hot!?"

You laughed, even as your Host shot Amelia a nasty glare. "I wonder," you chortled. "Glad to know you approve!"

Your Host took off her glasses to rub at her face. "Everyone, this is QA's new form, Cynthia. Introduce yourself, QA."

Taking bow, you said, "Hello! I'm Cynthia, the Champion of the Sinnoh Region." Ceres's whimpered again, and this time Mrs. Lee looked interested. "I'm an archaeologist, focusing on the myths and legends surrounding Pokémon. Ah, Pokémon are… Oh, drat. I can't summon one because it'd take too much Energy." Frowning for a moment, you shrugged and continued, "Anyway, Pokémon are magical creatures with all sorts of cool abilities! Pokémon Trainers like myself befriend Pokémon, and partner up with them for battle. As a Champion, I'm often referred to as the strongest Pokémon Trainer in the Region, though that's a bit of a misnomer."

Gasping, Madison asked, "You mean you make your pets fight against one another!?"

You shook your head. "No, not at all. Pokémon are quite intelligent, and there's nothing stopping them from outright abandoning abusive Trainers. In the wild, Pokémon battle all the time to get stronger. It just so happens that the strongest Pokémon are Bonded with Trainers."

"What, is it just because you're smarter? Or is there some kind of… I dunno, 'power of friendship' or whatever?" Amelia asked.

"Juvenile as it might sound, yes, there is a 'power of friendship'. It's a well-known phenomenon that people and Pokémon who have closer Bonds tend to be stronger than those without. I've heard of Pokémon hanging on by a thread to make their Trainers proud, or shaking off negative effects so their Trainer wouldn't worry. And Mega Evolution and Sync Moves are techniques that require strong Bonds, or else they simply won't work," you lectured. "Anyway, I've gotten off track. We're talking about me, not my adorable Pokémon!"

Mrs. Lee asked, "So, outside of being a skilled Trainer, do you possess any abilities of your own?"

You nodded. "Of course. I'm something of a researcher-slash-investigator. Since I prefer fieldwork over paperwork, I've gotten a lot of experience exploring ruins, searching for clues in mysterious dungeons. That experience has translated to a keen eye and pattern recognition skills." Blushing a little, you admitted, "Sometimes the people I work with say I'm making wild leaps in logic, but it all makes perfect sense to me."

"A Thinker power," Mrs. Lee muttered. "Interesting. I presume that you will be passing that and your Pokémon along to Taylor, then?"

"Yes. My Pokémon are all very sweet!" you insisted when Ceres shot you an uncertain look. "I'm sure Host will love each and every one of them!"

Conversation passed, and you had a blast describing your beloved Pokémon to the others. Gastrodon was a sweetheart, so cuddly and cute! Garchomp and Kommo-o, on the other hand, were tough and cool, perfect battlers for someone like your Host. Lucario was the most loyal friend a person could have, and Giratina… for a deity residing in the Distortion World, it was certainly a protective 'mon.

Ceres seemed split on asking more about the Dragon-Types, and shying away from you in general, while Madison and Amelia expressed a desire to meet everyone. One day, that dream would come true. But not today. Your Host needed her sleep!

Voting Actions:


[_][Training] Investigation

[_][Training] Gastrodon

[_][Training] Lucario

[_][Training] Garchomp

[_][Training] Kommo-o


[_][Patrol] Morning: Your Host needed a break. As a joke, you suggested she go out for ice cream. It was early in the day for that — not to mention the middle of January — but she accepted anyway. Who knew she would run into an old friend? (Friendly Encounter with ???)

[_][Patrol] Afternoon: Your Host needed a break. Ceres had gone to Potential Energy's aid; the duo invited your Host and her friends to hang out at their apartment, playing video games. (Potential Energy Social Links +1 (Currently: Uber Rank 0 and Clarke Rank 0); Friendly Encounter with Potential Energy)

[_][Patrol] Evening: Your Host needed a break. Taking an evening walk

seemed like a bad idea, given she was enemy number one for the gangs, but it turned out okay in the end. Though, it was a little frightening when the Wards turned up. (Friendly Encounter with Stall and Pivot; PR Campaign +1/60)

[_][Patrol] Night: Your Host needed a break. Unfortunately, worries about the DAU plagued her. She couldn't resist going to check it out, but she ended up getting distracted by the tower of ice you left before switching. (Neutral Encounter with Armsmaster)


[_][Partner] Mrs. Lee (E88 or Coil's Group Encounters turn Hostile, and Dauntless Encounters turn Friendly, but +1 to Mrs. Lee's Social Link (Currently: Rank 6))

[_][Partner] Amelia (New Wave, Golden Glory, E88, or ABB Encounters turn Hostile, and Undersiders Encounters turn Friendly, but +1 to Amelia Lavere's Social Link (Currently: Rank 5))

[_][Partner] Ceres (PR Campaign +1/60 when in range of Turrets, Armsmaster and Squealer Encounters turn Hostile, and Clarke Encounters turn Friendly, but +1 to Ceres Lee's Social Link (Currently: Rank 5))

[_][Partner] Weaver (Coil's Group or Faultline's Crew Encounters turn Hostile, Undersiders Encounters turn Friendly, and Dauntless Encounters turn Neutral, but +1 to Weaver's Social Link (Currently: Rank 3))

[_][Partner] None


[_][Activity] Your updated PR Campaign required a lot of work. Establishing a shelter for those you saved would do a lot of good, but would also take time, money, and paperwork. As the only legal adult of your group, Mrs. Lee would need to be the one to handle it, but she could use some help scoping out some of the nearby buildings for use. (Mrs. Lee Social Link +1 (Currently: Rank 6); PR Campaign +5/60)

[_][Activity] Amelia had been working hard recently, and thus wanted to take a break. The basem*nt's resources were dwindling, so she wanted to start brainstorming ideas for what she could provide as a rogue. Her first idea was a little… untenable. But perhaps you could help workshop something? (Amelia Lavere Social Link +1 (Currently: Rank 5); PR Campaign +3/60)

[_][Activity] While she was keeping up with her training, Madison was primarily a Navigator first and foremost. As the one who was always online, she felt that she was the one who could best answer calls for a potential hotline, but she wanted to ask what filters she should use. (Write-In, Three Items Max; Madison Clements Social Link +1 (Currently: Rank 5); PR Campaign +3/60)

[_][Activity] Things worked out with Mrs. Lee's attack on the Travelers, but Ceres was still understandably upset. Thus, she dove deeper into her engineering work, designing the weapons of the Anti-Endbringer Platform. Your Host offered to help, commiserating about Mrs. Lee's recklessness, and wanting to vent about her own actions that day. (Ceres Lee Social Link +1 (Currently: Rank 5); Anti-Endbringer Platform Progress: +3/15)

[_][Activity] Clover was seen at the Boardwalk again, running a magic/card game stall. Her legend grew with every win, but she frequently had to relocate due to the Enforcers. Your Host was a fan of magic tricks, and needed to unwind with something fun. (Clover Social Link +1 (Currently: Rank 0))

[_][Activity] Write-In (From now on, there will be a persistent Write-In option for the Activity vote. Note that the effects of Write-Ins

cannot be predicted beforehand.)
Simply A Projection (Worm Projection Quest) (2024)
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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

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Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.