When Having Too Much Money is Bad (The Cons of Being Rich) | The Frugal Gene (2024)

When Having Too Much Money is Bad (The Cons of Being Rich) | The Frugal Gene (1)

Let’s picture you winning at life: you’ve been hardworking and ingenious with every career move…or something like a rich uncle passed away and left you with a fat inheritance. For any and whatever reason, there’s suddenly more moolah coming in than you could ever imagine before. Sweet! Life is grand when there’s green abound. Howcan anyone think having more money is bad..? (Cough, lifestyle inflation) Well get onthis free bus tour through the dark side of the human psyche. Let’s see what are some reasons why having more money can be harmful to our happiness.

Disclaimer: Having money is still really, really awesome. I take these problems over being super broke any day, any time.

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1. Dealing with impostor syndrome

The first stop on our tour bus is a big one. People underestimate the prevalence of impostor syndrome.Impostor syndrome is the failure to accept any accomplishments because you feel as if you don’t deserve it. There’s quite a bit of that psychologically in how my husband and I feel about everything we have (and in our case, it’s kind of true.) During his hiring orientation, my husband actually received a course lesson on how to deal with impostor syndrome because it’s apparently so common for people to feel like they don’t deserve to be hired there – the company set up a lesson course for it!

2. Authenticityof relationships

Celebrities complain about this a lot, we’ve heard it before. People have enough trust issues already before adding money into the equation. When you’re flushed with green, everyone who is behaving like a complete darling could be in it for the money and not you. They’re hoping to catch the spoils of your newfound wealth by affliction.

3. Money buys comfort…& that’s it

There’s a baseline for happiness and research shows people don’t move beyond that. Money can provide comforts that make life easier and offer more attractive options, but beyond that, you are stuck with yourself. That’s one reason I’m don’t make a big deal about going somewhere for vacation.I still have to deal with myself anywhere I go except I’ll be me in pink beach shorts and sand in my hair. Same thing, different day. I guess a better example would be…

OK…you’re born with aconjoined twin who pokes your face every 5 seconds.And yes your vital organs are shared with your fused twins so there’s no slice-y and dice-y.

You can become the richest, wisest, world traveler on Earth but no money canstop your lame face twin from poking you all day and night. Related: Why you should find meaning before you find wealth.

4. Becoming too competitive

Do you know what’s really cool? I’ll let you in on a secret: Rockstar Finance has a page that tracks the net worth of 400+ personal finance bloggers. Go on, perv at it! I go to look and update ours once in a while and catch myself automatically scrolling back up after I get to my name. I scroll up to the ones that naturally have more monies. I don’t usually scroll down past us. Not sure why, just not as interested I guess, secretly – I want to see who is next on the list I can whack off. It looks to beanother blogger, The Dividend Pig, is next on my hit-list 😛 🙂

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Second, stop on the tour everybody, and if you look around, nothing here should surprise you. Let’s see the sentiments from how “having too much money” plays out from other individuals who underestimated your luck and potential (or rich uncle).

5. Jealousy bug

No one is clapping for your success and newfound fortune here. That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not great people. Family and friends are not obligated to celebrate your success. Why? Because they are their own person with their own circ*mstance. Life can be very untimely and bitter. When I met my husband, everything was coming up roses for me, but my close friend was going through her most turbulent break-up to date. On top of that, she was in a financially compromising situation that she desperately hated. I found our conversations dying like an exposed garden snail in sunlight. Slow, tragic, and unnatural. Ajealousy bug infestation was digging through our relationship and it burrowed itself in every thought that now starts with, “well, why her and not me? Which takes us to the next thing –

6. People don’t think you deserve it

The biggest grip about jealousy is thata lot of times, people don’t think you’ve earned your success or even deserve it. It’s the worst feeling to have because the word ‘Deserve’ is so controversial.Do you want to start a fight? Throw the D-word around and see how quickly things escalate. Take Marissa Mayers, the former CEO of Yahoo, who received a lot of heat for her 23 million severance package despite her lackluster performance in reviving Yahoo1; not to mention the bonus millions for handing Yahoo off to Verizon too. The backlash she received wascantankerous.2

7. People think you’re greedy

Following Mayer’s train of thought, we’ve hit this: people think you’re a workaholic/selfish/cold/greedy etc. Pretty much anything in that nature.

Often enough, people judge your gain as somehow their loss. Mayer’s severance numbers was a symbol of that – it was also fueled by the income inequality between a highly visible tech CEO and the rest of us more normative “9 to 5” hardworking employees. It’s a wastebasket discussion (meaning it goes on and on non-stopwith no resolution so it belongs in the wastebasket). Read up onThinkSaveRetire’s piece on if being wealthy is unfair.

8. People start pitching

On the flip side, people suddenly got the next million-dollar idea to show you. They want to pitch it to you and they’re expecting a solid yes as the response.One of my close friends started pitching ideas to me to start another niche blog. She heard (from me) that blogging can be a profitable avenue if you’re truly crazy to attempt it. I haven’t sought a dime so color me mystifiedactually. Anyway, she kept pitching me half-assed joint webventures which naturally makes me very uncomfortable.1. Mixing business and friendship is not a good idea. 2. She already owes me a few thousand from our last business endeavor. 3.Her track record with profitability and scalability, like mine, has been uninspiring. 4.I know very little and she knows even less. 5.If you’re blogging for the sake of money then you’re doing everything wrong from the get-go.

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9. People expect handouts

If it’s not a sales pinch then it’s a quest for a payout, which is no better. I’m pretty soft-hearted so the entire hand-out thing makes me nervous.If it’s for a real friend, it’s hard to say no. If it’s under $30, yeah, take it, I won’t miss it.

Anything over $100, I would discuss it with my husband first and vice versa. Thankfully none of my real friends ever asked for even $3. This is how I feel: I’m pretty good with money. I understand it as the building block for freedom. I have buckets of self-control and a few very clear goal in mind. If the money stays with me, it’s in better hands than almost anyone else.Does that make me sound conceited…?

10. People think you’re cheap

Well, shake and freakin’ bake, yes I am – on some things. I’m guessing a large percentage of people who end up with excess wealth is because they were shrewd and responsible for it in the first place.

Last stop of the tour! Systematic downsides! Ding!

11. Wealth makes you an easy target

The easiest targets are the ones with big visibility. Wealth makes a person highly visible which is why adopting stealth wealth is all the rage right now (as it should be). It’s also not surprising that the IRS goes after those with higher incomes than the average joe bringing in $45,000 a year. For high-income earners and households, it’s important to keep an immaculate paper trail, since statically speaking, chances of getting audited increases as income increases3. The only thing uglier than an audit is a lawsuit. Ewww, what an ugly word. If you are a high-profile business or business person with enough assets – say in the tens or hundreds of millions, you could be dragged through the mud for an easy payout. Remember the stories of two overweight women that sued McDonald’s for selling fatty food? Or the guy who sued McDonald’s because he only got one napkin?4

12. Lonelier near the top

A lot of our friendships are based on similarities in relation to socioeconomic standing.

Becoming richer can mean losing old friends over time because it’s harder and harder to relate once the divide begins and compounds. There are fewer people who you can trust and empathize with and with that, a certain sense of isolation is bound to happen.

Have you ever given friends money? What is your policy on friend, money and going into business? Have you ever experienced impostor syndrome?


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  1. http://fortune.com/2015/12/04/yahoo-marissa-mayer-severance/
  2. http://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/roiphe/2013/03/backlash_against_sheryl_sandberg_and_marissa_mayer_why_do_we_hate_powerful.html
  3. https://www.financialsamurai.com/what-is-the-average-audit-rate-by-income-level/
  4. http://www.eonline.com/news/515978/a-man-is-suing-mcdonald-s-for-1-5-million-because-they-only-gave-him-one-napkin


When Having Too Much Money is Bad (The Cons of Being Rich) | The Frugal Gene (2024)


Why is it bad to have too much money? ›

We believe everyone should maintain a thoughtful emergency fund. However, holding too much cash beyond emergency funds or short-term needs may be dangerous. At the highest level, it could lead to significantly less wealth over time. Since 1928, U.S. Stocks have outperformed cash in 68% of the calendar years.

What are the disadvantages of having too much money? ›

It can cause you to make bad decisions: Having a lot of money can also cause you to make bad decisions. For example, if you're desperate for cash, you might take on a job that's unethical or immoral—even if it pays well.

Can you be rich by being frugal? ›

Frugality Can Make You Rich

Perhaps. Popular financial personality Dave Ramsey estimates that if you skip your daily cup of coffee from Starbucks, you could save $63 per month, $766.50 per year, or $22,995 over 30 years.

Why is excess of money bad? ›

The biggest problem people with too much money have is that some of the people who know them think of them as a free source of money and it really damages that relationship. The “I've got a great business idea I'd like you to invest in” common response is “Here is my investment manager's contact info.

What mental illness causes overspending? ›

If you experience symptoms like mania or hypomania, you might spend more money or make impulsive financial decisions. You might have an addiction or dependency which makes you spend money.

What is the downside of holding too much cash? ›

Lower returns: Since cash is largely a risk-free asset, investors don't get the “risk premium” that other investments, like mutual funds or GICs, may come with. Inflation risk: While cash has no capital risk, inflation can erode its purchasing power – meaning you wouldn't be able to buy as much with it in the future.

Is it better to be rich or wealthy? ›

Being rich vs. wealthy isn't necessarily a matter of one being better than another. It all comes down to what you do with your money. If you think of yourself as rich, can live the lifestyle you want, and are avoiding debt while investing wisely, then that may be more than enough.

How does being rich affect a person? ›

A recent study demonstrates that riches can also confuse moral judgement; a number of studies indicate that affluence affects empathy and compassion. Perhaps being wealthy is not so impressive after all. There is evidence that the wealthy are disproportionately impacted by addiction.

How does God feel about believers having riches? ›

Finally, 1 Timothy 6:17-18 offers divine instructions for the wealthy among us. The passage reads: “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.

Why are wealthy people so frugal? ›

Many wealthy individuals grew up with little or nothing, and the thought of returning to that state is a powerful motivator. So they hold onto their wealth with a death grip, even if it means being cheap in other areas of their lives.

Is being frugal hereditary? ›

But based on a swath of studies on the brain and behavior, scientists now believe that each of us has unique genetics and brain wiring that make us predisposed to be thrifty or extravagant—long before we even have money to spend. Does that mean it's game over, you're hardwired one way or the other? Not at all.

Does being frugal pay off? ›

Often, placing a value on frugality can help you to save more money, build wealth for the future, and even become more creative as you look for frugal hacks and solutions to life's challenges. However, when taken to the extreme, it can hurt your finances, as well as your relationships.

What does too much money lead to? ›

If the money supply grows faster than overall economic growth, inflation will occur. If the difference between the money supply growth and the growth of the economy becomes too wide, hyperinflation occurs.

What is a waste of money? ›

money spent for inadequate return. “the senator said that the project was a waste of money” type of: dissipation, waste, wastefulness. useless or profitless activity; using or expending or consuming thoughtlessly or carelessly.

What happens when too much money is made? ›

Because consumers have more money, they pay higher prices and feed inflation. If economic output continues to stagnate or shrink and inflation keeps rising, companies charge more, consumers pay more, and the central bank prints more money. A cycle of increasing inflation rates occurs, leading to hyperinflation.

What happens when people spend too much money? ›

"Overspending is often more than just a lapse in financial judgment; it frequently signals underlying emotional or psychological triggers. For instance, some people may overspend as a form of escapism, temporarily distracting themselves from stress or emotional pain," Hathai says.

Why is overspending bad? ›

Spending too much can throw your financial plan out of whack and put your ability to reach big goals at risk. Here's how to gauge whether your spending is just right.

Why is it illegal to have too much cash? ›

Having large amounts of cash is not illegal, but it can easily lead to trouble. Law enforcement officers can seize the cash and try to keep it by filing a forfeiture action, claiming that the cash is proceeds of illegal activity. And criminal charges for the federal crime of “structuring” are becoming more common.

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.