The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

3 SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, THURSDAY, 'APRIL 18, 1940 27 THE FURNITURE BARGAINS ARE SPRINGING UP DAILY IN THE WANT ADS EMPLOYMENT Help--Male or Female 31 MUSICIANS. entertalners. orchestra and. Individual comedians to start radio work. Box 540, Union Office.

Situations Wanted -Female 36 CAPABLE young girl wants housework. wage. Country preferred. Box 2100 Union offire. Situatious Wanted -Male 33 ELDERLY man active and in good health, wants work of some kind.

Janitor, watchelevator operator or the like, to avoid seeking old assistance. Dox at. Union MA PERIENCED chauffeur wants work, ant where. Good references. Tel.

HolRe 9331. EXT. farmer with family want! steady work. A. Barrows, 235 Union West Springfield.

FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 39 DINING CAR We have taken in trade for one of our new models Silk City Diners, the (treat Barrington Diner located 01: State Road, Great Barrington, Mass. We will sell the trade-in car at sacrifice, price on liberal terms. this car and ask the owner for information or write our factory. SILK CITY DINER. 27th st.

at 19th Paterson, N. J. GARAGE-115 heart cars, of city. filling Only station, $5000 sales reagenry, quired. Georgo A.

I'case, Northampton, Mass. oil heat. Mattoon St. Box 615 Union ROOMING HOUSE, 12 rooms, all rented, Office. Personal Financing 39 ABANDON ALL BILLS -See First Personal Bankers.

out Court Square. 21 Elm St. License 222. Tel 2-4158. LOANS to $300 on your own signature.

The New Method Finance 1562 Main St. Tel. 4-2127 License 60. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Loans Up to $300-All Plans.

1618 Main St. Phone 4-1191. License 73. 1490 Main St. Phone 4-3544.

License 101. SIGNATURE or less. No day. Guaranty Loan Plan, 1337 Main St. maker.

Low repayment plan. Money in 2-7250 License 212. hour service. Springfield Finance Ing SIGNATURE and Automobile Joans. EightRoom 500, 1190 stain.

Lic. 77. 4-3193 Money to Loan 40 AUTO LOANS $300 to $1000 Immediate Service. MOTOR ACCEPTANCE TAI 510 Main St. Tel.

6-9036. CASH PAID or loaned on watches, diamonds, Ct. Sq. Jewelers. 1265 Main.

INSTRUCTION "Local Instruction Classes 43 DE a certified qualified Welder. Prepare now for this big-paying job. We give A compiete all-practical training in arc and acetylene welding for aircraft. with structural. inindustrial and government work dividual instruction by welding experts.

invite your inspection of our completely equipped laboratory, Day and evening (lasses. For details call or write New England Schools of Practical Training. 33 Winter St. Musical, Dancing, Dramatic 41 ACCORDION. piano, voice, Spanish and Jaw'n guitars, dram's, priv.

ballrin. dancing. Mme. Beauregard, 1634 Main 6-1172. Private Instruction 45 STENOGRAPHIC, Secretarial, Bookkeeping courses open now.

Catalog free. Bay Path Institute, 100 Chestnut St. 6-2704. LIVESTOCK Dogs. Cats.

l'ets 47 BLUE CROSS--Female part spitz collie wants home in country. Call 4-5787. co*ckER SPANIELS. Boston terriers, Sealyhams, fox terriers, Doberman's, 98 Whittier St. SPITZ, spaniels, police, poms, Bostons, fox terriers, collies, $3 up.

2210 Main St. Horses. Cattle. Vehicles 18 FOR MALE -Farm horse. J.

C. Galpin, uthwick, Mass. ONE horse spring wagon and harness for sale. 1135 Bay City. THOROUGHBRED goat.

6 mos. old calf. 15 Whitting Ave. (off Chicopee St.) Chicopee. 23 INDIANA And New England raised horses, single or matched pairs; $100 up.

Cash or easy terms can be arranged. Maplewond Farm, North Wilbraham on Boston Rd. Tel. 130 or Holyoke 6514. l'oultry and Supplies 49 A BETTER Drive for vour live poultfy.

Harry Solomon. 1734 Allen St. A GREAT PAIR: Purina embryo ted chicks And Startena. Get BOTH At METHE'S CHECKERBOARD STORES 2-1194. A PILCI chicks pays more protit*, Red, crosses, Rocks, day-old and started.

Sex chicks 9.0 right. C. Pitch, Feeding Hills, 4-0162. ALWAYS best prices paid for poultry. Superiran.

993 Memorial West Springield, 3-2371. BARRED ROCKS Iteris, all kinds of poultry supplies, dog food bird seed. Gen Methe 489 Worthington. 2-1194. BABY CHICK BARGAINS Extra choice Pullorum Clean Native Stock co*ckerels 3c up; Pullets 13c up.

Straight run TC up. All leading varieties. Free catalog. Always open. Call 2-9577, TOMLIN'S, 399 Trumbuil Hartford.

Conn. BEST PRICES paid for all line poultry, extra pay for puliets. Hughes, 2-6131. CUSTOM hatching, turkeys a specialty. J.

F. Stocking. Wilbraham, Mass. Tel. 127.

HILL'S CHIX better quality. Hill's Hatchery. Feeding Hills. 6-1073. STARTED and day old chicks, Sexed Wh.

leghorns. Advance order discount. Kerr Chickeries. West Spfld. 2-7317.

WANTED large chickens, capons, fowls, broilers. W'e pay more. F. Relazo. 3-2310.

Wanted -Livestock 50 ALL LIVE poultry wanted. Good prices. T. Kaplan, 134 Knollwood St. 3-5103.

MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale 51 AIR 11. J'. "Curtis" like new. $175. Byrnes, Dodge -Plymouth Agency, 34 Sumner Ave.

7-9141. ARGUS 0-35 camera 3.5-built in range finder, was $14.95. Terms United Luggago Camera, 1688 Main. Business Equipment 52 AlL FIXTURES for stores, restaurants. offires bought and sold.

Special wholesale price on new Schwab R. Mosler Safes (3 sizes). Bay State Fixture, 153 Dwight 3-7256. BARGAINS in store fixtures, new Rnd used, at Stein's, 868 Main Springfield or 512 fligh Holyoke. DISHES, glassware, ailverware, pots and pans, accessoriea for luncheonettes, restaurants, roadside stands, soda fountaina and cafes.

Holyoke Auction 021 High Holyoke. KARDEX files. 3x5. 14 drawers. Reasonable.

07 Worthington St. 4-7638. MEN'S STORE fixtures, complete set, reconditioned. like new. Bargain.

PaVA Equip'nt Liberty Hevwood. NEON signs for restaurant display. Power green letters, blun horder. Practically Bargains, terms. Box 633 Union Of.

TYPEWRITERS- -New. used. rebuilt $15 un. Terms. Guarantee Typewriter State near Dwight.

7-0995. Boats and Accessories 53 NEW up: new 1940 boats $16 tip. Laurence St. King, Feeding filla. 4-6236 evenings.

1040 CENTURY sports runabout. $187. Evinrude Motors Oldtown Beique's, High, Holyoke. Farm and Dairy Products MILK for sale. 250 quarts EL day.

Tel. Hampden 31-3. Fuel and Feed 56 ALL KINDS--Dry hard wood. pine hard. BlAb kindling.

Prompt delivery. Peck Coal Co. Tel. 3-7893. A-1 WOOD slabs soft wond $6: mixed wood $7: hard wood $8.

Tel. 8-1926. SOFT SLAB $4.50 cord. Hard slab $6. Kindling 13 bu.

for $1, stove furnace $8. Chic. 106. MERCHANDISE Fuel and Feed 36. DRY hard wood, mixed slabs, lumber $25 a thousand.

Chic. 188. SOFT SLABS, 24 bu. $2: corn, cord. $1.50: cords, $0.30.

Chicopee 1259. Household Goods 59 A BARGAIN in linoleum. 5 sq. yde. $1.

Cut from full roll. Bring measurement of rm. Union Furn. 934 Alain. Open All Glenwood Gas Stoves, Detroit Jewel Table Top porcelain enamel gas stove with heat control, Crawford stove, Glenwood combination, Sterling gray enamel -combination dual oven, Frigidaire, Eleo.

Refrigerator, guaranteed, $39: Washing Machine, Sewing machines. 3-plece Maple Bedri. suite, Inperspring mattresses, 34 Chests, $3.95: Dressers. $3 95; Walnut Dining Koom Sets, 3-room outfit, $49. EASY TERMS ARRANGED ECONOMY FURNITURE CO.

1833 Alain Near Sharon. Tel. 3-0143. ALL PORC. Kelvinator Ref.

Guar. $1 weekly. Used radios, $1 up. Slightly used washers greatly reduced. Terms.

Proctor- Flanagan. 138 State St. ALWAYS BEST SELECTION USED FURNITURE! A-1 Sewing Machines $3.50: New Mattresses Poster Beds $2.95: Kelvinator Refrigerator Rugs $3: Parlor Sets $5.95: Bedroom Sets $12.50: Coil Springs $2.50: Oil Cookers Odd ('hairs Radios Tables $1: Reds $1: Stoves $7.95: Weekly. OPEN EVENINGS. FURNITURE OUTLET.

1049 MAIN. A-1 SPRING USED FURNITURE SPECIALS Used Axminster and Wilton Rugs--very beds, springs, mattresses chests $3 50: dressers elec. refrigerators ice boxes radios wash. machines $8: parlor sets $9. Everything for the camp and home At nASY TERMS.

FORT ST. FURN. MART. 14 FORT. 7-1379 ATTENTION -Brand new.

1940 genuine Frixidaires, 6 (u. ft. Pay only 94c weekly which includes finance. Lowest prices at Regal Appliance Store, 1090 Main cor. Howard.

Open evenings. BLACK WHITE Sterling Comb. Range $39.50. ANGERS STORE, 91 State. 2-9263 BRAND new floor model electric oil combination stove, 1-3 off: terms, Freedman Radio 1223 Main St.

6-1861. DUNCAN Phyfe dining room, living room, Gov. Winthrop desk. rugs, antique chest, sectional bookcases. sewing machine, washing machine.

Other furniture. 32 Maple Street. FLOOR SAMPLE WASHERS. $49.50 Angers Store, 91 State St. Tel.

3-9263. GAS STOVES. $5.00, it vou come And get them. Angers Store, 91 State St. 2-9263.

GET your 1910 electric refrigerator now! Direct from factory to you and save Box 027. Union Office. JUST ARRIVED: ORIENTAL RUGS. Beautfiul block front desk. Knee hole Desk, mah.

co*cktall table. Lyre base tier table. antique w'indsor chair, chippendale mirror, teakwood tabourets, brass fender. choice bric-a-brac, brass pails, Figurines. Dial 2-9512.

BARNEY'S ANTIQUE SHOPI'E 1995 MAIN ST. OPP. CLINTON HOTEL LIVING room suites, all types and materials, $9 un Easy terms. Millers, 1935 Main opp. Roods.

Open eves. 3-4755. Living rm. suites, factory prices, new smart stvles in lovely shades of Boucle. Tapestry, Frieze.

Ankorloop, Ankora. Mohair, etc. 33 Harrison' Opp. Millinery Mart PHILIP'S FURNITURE SHOWROOM LIVING room, dining bedroom furniture, Tugs. 1469 State St.

2-4711. MUST dispose quickly 3-piece living room suite, late model Stromberg-Carlson radio, Hot Point cubic ft. deluxe refrigerator. and odd pieces. Can be seen dealers, Thursday Saykin, between 74 7-9 Grenada

reply. No PORCELAIN Gas Coal ranges. $15 Re ANGERS STORE, 91 State Tel. REFRIGERATOR (Coolerator) A-1 cond. 3-1350 (mornings).

86 East Alvord St. RUGS well-known makes at so-called mill agent or factory prices. Open every eve. Free delivery. Retail Furn.

Warehouse, 1651 Riverdale W. Spfld. RUGS--Factory prices. Am. Orientals, Axminsters, b'looms.

Wm. J. White. Mill 1123 State St. Open eves.

2-8058. RUGS- -Bigelow. Rosbury and makes. Harold G. Moore.

555 Enfield Thompsonville. 4396. Open eves, RUGS--Factory prices, Wiltons, sters. Hunt Shea, mill 810 Enfield Thompsonville 4371. Open to 9.

SIMMONS SPECIAL Simmons mattresses In discontinued covers, Regular $34.50. WHILE THEY LAST $16.95 Edwards Fixture, 890 State. Open eves. 6-3261 3 WINDOW SHADES--Make your home attractive. We make them to order and also do repairing.

Springfield Window Shade Mfg. 62 Vernon St. 6-3145. 6 Ft. Deluxe' Elect.

Refrigerator, $99.50. ANGERS STORE. 91 State St. 2-9363. Jewelry and Watches 69 CHANGE OLD watches tor new: cash for old gold, sliver, diamonds, antique jewelry, Watches, clocks.

jeweiry repaired. G. C. Grimes, 2nd floor, Bookstore Bldg. 2-0118.

Machinery and Tool4 61 ELEC. motor machinery tools wanted. Cash waiting. Box 636 Union Office. SOUTH Bend Lathe.

fully equipped. ft. bed. 16 inch swing. Ingersoll Rand mond Drill Sharpener, ice cream cahInets.

frigidaire compressors, motors. belting and small tools, SpAd. Auction 763 Dwight 4-8596. Radio 631 FLOOR SAMPLES 1940 GENERAL ELECTRIC radios. off today's prices.

Limited number. Proctor-Carnig, Hillman. ZENITU, PHILCOS. RCA, G. E.

combinations. $3 to $8. 53 Seventh St. Rm. 8.

Open til 10. p.m. Seeds, Plants, Fertilizers 63 GARDEN MANURE -Well-rotted cow nure; loam, cinders, etc. J. J.

O' Krongly, 4-7351. LOAM, Cinders, traprock for sale, Cinder driveways built-repaired. 6-5021. Specials at the Stores 61 SHOP at the stores the easy way. requireg no cash.

Repay $1 wkly. Standard Budget, 1640 Main. Cor. Hampden, 3-6693. Wearing Apparel 65 SPECIAL PURCHASE OF BRAND NEW MENS SUITS TOPCOATS Formerly $25 to $15, now Good slightly used garments Sports Coats Boys Suits Odd coats pants to match coats.

Tuxedos $6 up. Time payments extra. LADIES SPRING COATS SCHAFFER'S. 43 New Dwight, Near State Springfeld. Open every eve.

till 9. THURSDAY ONLY All 990 shirta, for $1.00 MUST BRING AD KING'S 1591 MAIN ST. Wanted -To Buy 16 for an kinds FURNITURE. RUGS. ANREST CASTE PRICES paid TIQUES.

ECONOMY FURN. CO. 2-0115. ANTIQUES--Sterling. silver, furniture.

pictures. glass, bric-brac. Highest cash prices. Largest. most reliable Antique shop.

RICHMOND 33 Patton. 3-7041. ANTIQUE glass. china. books bought.

Ilighest cash prices. immediate attention. 6-7087 or Rox 092, Union Office. ABSOLUTELY TOP PRICES PAIL For All Kinds Furniture. Stoves, Rugs, etc.

Call T's for Best Prices FURNITURE OUTLET. INC. 4-2766 HOLYOKE everything furn, 39--3 Also rm. single priv. hskping bath, 100ms.

Reas. JOHNSON'S Bookstore wants at once early Amer. solid silver. Antique Shop. 2-6221.

WE BUY all kinds used also antiques. Essex 2073 Main. 3-7473. OR 6 hole ice cream cabinet. Must he sulphur dioxide refrigerant.

Box 638 Union Office. A ABSOLUTELY BEST Cash Prices paid for all used furniture, rums, an a tiques. Call BARNEY'S. 2-8512. ROOMS AND BOARD Rooms With Board 67 RAY 90.

-Pleasant front room for ness person. 1g. piazza, meals opt. G-3001 BETW. AT.

JAMES Winch. rm. for 1 or 2 gents, shower, priv. home, meals optional. 2-3409.

EDWARDS 50-Beautiful large. room with hoard. Tel. 6-3386. FOREST PR.

Room. board, next hath; elderly lady; hot -cold water. 3-9307. FREE board room for working woman in exchange for light household duties for 2 adults Apply from 9 to 12 a.m. Suite 4, 36 John city.

MARENGO PARK 20-Large room, with board; also garage. 4-0215. ROOMS AND BOARD Rooms With Board 67 I "THE bus. or prof, men Union women. priv.

6-7959. home, THE Cheerful Hearth, 99 School clusive home for business and professional men women. Tel. 3-6468. 1 SINGLE, 1 double, 2d floor room.

Board opt. 306 St. James Ave. Tel. 6-5325.

Rooms Without Board 69 A CLEAN room, very central. 68 Temple St. Sirs. Field. Tel.

2-0331. A bath. COUPLE- Meals Large opt. rozily Parking furn. free.

3-7078. next AUBURN. 2142 Main, with or without priv. bath. -Excel.

fire- protection. 6-9744. BARNES HOTEL, 837 Main rooms, running water. shower, $3, $4. 6-9607.

CHESTNUT 106-Modern, single or double room, shower, central, reas. Maxwell. 7-0156. COOLIDGE HOTEL--Daily rates, $1, $1.23, weekly rates, $4, $5. $6.

Free parking. 2787 Main St. 4-3580. FOREST PARK INN Forest I'k. pleasant furn.

rooms, board opt. 4-9885. HIGH 53-Central, attrac. warm rms. Parking.

Transients accom. HOTEL HAWKINS-1340 Main comf. running water, $3. $5. Others $2.60.

LARGE RM. at 46 Locust St. Central. Reasonable. Call 7-2092.

MAPLE 21-Gentleman. pleasant front furnished. Private. Central. PEAR ST.

49-Nicely furn. room, next to bath. leas. Call 6-5553. PLEASANT garage, parking.

Reas. 3 min. from Winch. Sq. 974 State.

8-4243. SPRING 138-Large room, 4 windows, hot cold water: also small room. STATE 1469-Attrac. 2 or 2 sunny priv. home, pkg.

space. 2-4711. STATE 786-Single and connecting rms. Sherman, 1 $4: also 12 Sherman rm. with run.

water. 7-0277. $5.00 A WEEK WITH BATH GUEST'8 LAUNDRY FREE MILNER HOTEL 76 LIBERTY ST. Rooms for Housekeeping 69 A NICE location. Large room with kitchenette.

Everything furnished. Davis, 156 Pearl St. A CLEAN ROOM, central, adults. Tem. ple Mra, Field.

Tel. 2-0331. A NICE heated room for light housekeeping. everything furn. $3 wk.

79 Sargeant. BELMONT 85-Attractive -2 or room furn. apt. Adults. 2-5570 or 4-5740.

BRIDGE 93-Two-room apt. for light housekeeping. FURN. with kitchenette; also single 1st fl. 31 Sargeant St.

2-2841. HOLYOKE 46--1 or 2-room apts, modern. Central. Adults, MAIN House," hskpg. sleep, rms.

$2.50 up. Free pkg. 3-6321. MAIN ST. 2167.

3 rm. apts. everything furnished, $4.50 to $6 weekly, also sleeping rooms, $3 per week. REAL, ESTATE FOR RENT Apartments and Flats 74 A BETTER APARTMENT A selection of 2, 3. 4.

5 rooms in good locations, tall redecorated, some with ivory woodwork. refrigerator optional. $28 to $40. Call 6-4391 or 2-2407. D.

F. MORIN COMPANY. 1370 Main. A BETTER 78 Belmont Ave. 2.

rms. 2-9063: Central St. 120, 3 4 rms. 4-2506; Ft. Pleasant Ave.

59, 3-1 rms. 6-6643. ANGERS APARTMENT An unusual 6-room apartment, Worthington at Federal St. Ultra moderm plumbing. chromed fixtures, etc.

Will decorate to suit. Also a fine 4 rm. Call 7-0610 or 7-0751 ANGERS QUALITY APARTMENTS Federal 3, 4 rms. 7-0640 or 7-0781 Locust four rooms 3-4344 Ft. Pleasant and 4 rooms 2-5658 Bayonne and Oswego, 3 4 rms.

6-8801 Dwight St. 310-: rooms 3-7666 916 Worthington St. 203 Bridge St. H. E.

ANGERS INC. ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS A Harriet 4 $33 103-107 Spring 5 6 mod. $45 290 Sumner 4 5 good condition. Reasonable (opp. Forest Pk.) 97 Spring 3, 4 r.


33 Long Hill 5 frig. 64 Avon 5 frig. $45 64-68 Osgood 3-4 mod. $28-833 168 William rooms $38 CALL 6-8381 A BETTER all newly dec. 4 shower, free prk.

$34 to $38. 103 Lincoln. 4-8426. A different. new.

exclusive, 3 rms. sun rin. 2 adults. Ref. $47.

6-1002. ALL ELECTRIC BEAUMIER APTS. Rooms 3 5 6 Best Residential 3-2859 Sections 6-1640 Office at Beaumler Square. BEAUTIFUL 3 or 3-rm. apartment.

frigidaire, etc. Complete. 98 High St. See Bir. Parkman.

Tel. 6-7370. A different, new, exclusive, 3 rms. gunrm. 2 adulta.

Ref. $47. 6-1002. A LITTLE better rent, 327 St. James A 4 rms.

all oil heat. redec. ATTRAC. 6 1st 116 Ft. Pleasant Ave.

5 rooms, St. George, apt. 3-4517- 4-1715. ATTRACTIVE MODERN APTS. 248 Pearl ti.

2d ft. $43: rais. $28. Phone or AVON 71-4 rooms on the id floor. $40.

Spild Institution for Sav. 4-6411. AVON 15-23-Attrac, 3-4-5-rm. steam, frig. $39 up.

BAYONNE 22-Attractive rooms, steam heated apartments. Tel. 4-7388. BELMONT 140-5 6-rm. apts.

Janitor service. Call 7-2092. BELMONT AVE. 199-Newly all mod. breakfast nook, Frig.

6-8153. BELMONT 120--5 rooms on the 1st floor. $40 with refrigerator. Springfield Institution for Savings. 4-6411.

CAREW 172-Light airy modern 2-3-4 rms. furn. or exceptionally well cared for $6 per week up. Call 3-4790 or see janitor. CENTRAL 198-3 2d fl.

Redec. May 1st. See Chapin. Tel. 7-1640.

CENTRAL 83-4 large rms. bed ronins. 2d also 3 rms. April 15. CENTRAL 102-4 and o-rm.

apartments, $15 and $50. Call Air Chapin. 7-1610. CHARLES rooms $29 DWIGHT ST. rooms $36 PEARL 82-86-5 rooms $40 WALNUT 55--5 rooms $35 Fred A.

Vogel, Realtor, 1252 Main. 2-3167 CLEAN ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS 12 Eagles 4 rooms $32 34 Salem rooms $35 SPFLD. FIVE CENTS RAVINGS RANK 1319 Main St. Tel. 7-1451 COLONY COURT.

168 Maple 6-rm. completely redec. Call F. E. Boswell, Sheraton Hotel (formerly Stonehaven), or Supt.

on promises. 4-2438. CUMBERLAND 31-3 rooms, modern, gond condition. $24. Call 6-8381.

DWIGHT 5 cond. Outsido ft. porch. $34. 6-8381.

FEDERAL ST. 99-101-3 3 rm. refrigerator. Tel. 6-8381.

FLORIDA 131-7 rooms. $60, Call Mr. Underwood. 4-7865. HARRIET 6-4 rooms, good condition.

$32. Call 6-8381. HIGH 25-29-Attractive 3-rm. frigidaire. Tel.

4-7388 or 3-1650. HIGH 24-26 Attractive 3-room apartments. Tel. 4-7388 or 3-1650. HIGH 3 rooms.

$30; S. H. Barlow, 163 Spring St. 6-6108. HIGH 99-2 and 3 rooms, kitchenette, good cond.

6-8381. HIGH 33-Near Maple, 4 and 6-room apartments Tel. 2-2680. HIGH 191-5-room heat, hot water. $33.

Parker. 3-2772. LASALLE 11 Edwards 2 elec. stoves. Mr.

Clow, 6-5038. LOCUST ST. 262. 4 steam, modern. janitor shower.

Frigid. if desired. John J. Fish 3-4848 or Mr. Duval 6-3175.

MAIN 2108-3 rooms, $27 to $30. Call Mr. Jones. 6-2453. MAIN 2473-Cor.

Osgond, 3-rm. kit. rents reaR. 6-0693 or 2-6358. MAIN 3303-16-Cor.

Grace, 4 rooms. steam heated apt. newly decorated. 2-2201. MAIN 3337-3 rooms and kitchenette on the 4th floor.

$28. Springfield Institution for Savings, 4-6411. STAPLE AND HIGH STS. 2-4 RM. TEL.

6-8798. STAPLE 145-2-3 every conven. furn, if desired. Frigid. Apply janitor.

Edw. J. Murphy realtor. 3-3147. IMARION :200 Attractive 3-room Apartment, steam heat.

4-7388. MODERN 3 Re m. newly heated. hot water. roRs.

Bancroft Hr. OAKLAND 109-113-Attractive 3 4- room Apartments. Tel. 4-7388 or 2-5835. PEARL 58-4 rooms and good cond.

Refrig. $37. Tel. 6-8381. SIX -ROOM tenement, 168 Euclid Springfield.

Inquire on premises or lolyoke REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartments and Flats 74 SPRING 111-3-room apartments. stm. heat, frigidaire. STATE 539-Exclusive apt. with elevator service.

6-8125. STATE 786-2 4 rooms. modern. newly decorated. Call 7-0277.

STATE ST. 888-3 rooms, modern, good condition; $28. Call 6-8381. STATE 663-Attrac. 4 and 3 rms.

verandas, reasonable, good cond. 6-8381. SUMNER AVE. 20-3 good condition Call 6-8381 SUMNER 425-Beautiful 4-rm. ant.

with frigidaire. Tel. 2-7145. SUMNER 10-4-rm. mod.

apartment. Excel, building. lat class service. Ream, rents. Sce Janitor or call 7-0231.

TEMPLE 6-8 rooms and kit. Walk. ing distance to downtown. Call 2-8681. TO LET 232 224 Pearl 4 1-2-3 firs, $40 1151 Dwight 77 Morgan rms.

1-2-3 firs. 74 Linden ist fir. $32 574 Chestnut 6 4 firs. $33 226 Pearl 5 4th fir. $46 62 Linden 5 3d 4th firs.

$32 2772 Main rms. 5 1 4 firs. $30 $35 Phone or Call for List EDw. J. MURPHY REALTORS 1537 Main Ht.

3-3147 UNION 292--2-3-4 rooms. $35 to $55. Call A. St. Jean.

3-4766. UNION 310-7-rm. completely redecorated. elec. refrig.

range. Walking distance to business center, $35, with gar. $00. Call Steiger Realty Co. 4-3611 or WHITE ST.

198--5 rooms, good condition. $38. Tel. 6-9381. 3 SALEM, 3, 4 1st ed fire.

for des. party, quiet, tel. 6-6490. 17 Salem. 2.

3 attrac. apts. 76 Byers, 2, 3 mod. rms. Opp.

Armory. 4-8810. Furnished Apts. and Houses ATTRACTIVE 3 rm. apt.

bath entirely priv. in nice priv. home, gar. 4-4064. ANGERS Quality Apartments, 2 and rooms.

Federal St. Section. 7-0640. A CLEAN 3 rms. furnished as an apt.

68 Temple St. Mrs. Field. 2-0331. ALL MODERN 3 room furnished apt.

Inq. Janitor. 28 Wilcox Ht. AT 15 OSWEGO and 4-room apta. Furnished or unfurnished.

All electric. Shower hath. APTS. 2 3 all elec. including stoves.

Incinerator. 65 Oswego St. AUBURN, 2142 Main, with or without priv. bath, excel. fire protertion.


FREE PRKG. 2-3216. BOWDOIN 198--3 and furn. Mr. Tardiff on premises.

Tel. 3-1971. COR. PEARL Salem, 3 rm. 160 free refrigeration.

ELLIOT 68-2-5 rooms nicely furnished near Kimball Hotel. Tel. 3-8038. FEDERAL 3 2d well furn. D.

F. Morin Co. Call 6-4591 or SHERATON HOTEL (formerly the Stonehaven), 70 Chestnut St. Modern and completely fireproof apartment hotel. 1.

3 rooms, furn. or unfurn. Newly deco- rated and furnished. ATTRACTIVE WIN TER RATES. Your inspection Invited.

Excellent food. E. E. Boswell, Manager. 4-3141.

Business Places for Rent 15 AT THE N. 505 Belmont about 1200 square with garage, toilet, running water. Suitable for small business or store: $23 mo. 6-8381, ATTRACTIVE STORES FOR RENT 465 MAIN ST. $28 163 HANco*ck 'ST.

$17 1316 DWIGHT ST. CALL 6-8351 BAKERY ovens, machines, garage. Ideal location for Polish or Italian bakery. 111 Hope Greenfield. Mass Apply Mra, Petti.

BAY CATHARINE -Stores to rent at low rentals, Tel. 4-7388. CHESTNUT 191 -Approximately, 000 60. ft. heated.

sprinkler system, freight passenger elevators, John J. Fish. 3-4848. EXCELLENT commercial location. 12,000 sq.

feet of floor space on 2 floors and basem*nt. Well built brick building. sprinklers. Downtown location. Mr.

Labine. 2-5454. 9 A. m. to 5 p.

HAMPDEN 17-4000 sq. 24 3d floors, neat furn. John J. Fish. 3-4848.

MACHINE SHOP. 23 50, at 30 Eldridee West $40 per month. Inq. on premises or Harry R. Whyte.

7-0374. STORE. will divide for barber shop, beauty shop. hardware store, in growing section $35 a month. Sce Eddie's Market, 660 Kings lighway, West Spfid.

Farms for Rent 76 MODERN farm suitable for chickens. 10 miles. Spfld. Reas. Box 650 Union off.

Houses for Rent 77 AT 20 Wellington 1st class, 6 scr. porch, insulated. Adults, $38. 2-7567. ATTRACTIVE TWO FAMILIES 32 Glenham 5 2d A.

$26 51 Draper 6 251 Ft. Pleasant 6 rma. oil $45 298 Liberty, 6 good, gar. ,325 THE ELLIS CORPORATION. TEL.

6-8381 AVAILABLE NOW flats, Car Service. King Real Estate. 3-5488. BEAUMONT mod. 6 rm.

lower, all newly oil, garage, adults 4-1761. BELMONT 6 rooms. steamn heat. garage, excellent condition. $38.

Springfield Institution for Sav. 4-6411. CARLTON 35-Cottage. 6 ronnis, sleep. porch, oil, garage.

Yerrall Yerrall, Vernon. 0-9714. CHESTNUT 910-Modern 6 sunroom, good cond. $33. Call 6-8381.

CHESTNUT 7 rms. lower, oil heat, gar. Tel. 4-7388. DORNE rooms 2d steam: Inq.

3d floor. 43. Tel. 2-4909. EAST 281-6 rms.

upper, steam heat, modern, Far. $30. John Fish. 3-4848. EAST ALVORD -6 lower.

G. B. oll burner, perfect condition. $45. ELDRIDGE 14-5 first class, atm.

heat. adults. Call 2.8033. EUCLID 147-7 rms. lower.

good steam, gar. Inquire upstairs. FIRGLADE AVE. 44-10-rm. house, fine oil heat, 2 baths, $65.

4-8279 FOREST AVE. 163-Single house, tile bath, oil heat, 2 batts, 2-car garage. $70. Tel. 6-8381.

IT. PLEASANT 126-6 rooms on the 1st floor. steam beat, garage. $38. Springfield Institution for Sav.

4-6411. GARFIELD ST. 93-Handy Park location, rooms. 1st f1 $35. Springfield Five Cents Savings Bank, 1319 Main.

7-1451. GROSVENOR 27--4 rooms on the lat floor. $14. Springfield Institution for Savings. 4-6411.


$30. 100-6 John rms. J. upper. Fish.

steam heat. mol. gar. LIBERTY ST. 336-2d flbor, 5 rms, rent reas.

Tel. 8-2950. LIBERTY 978-Upper 7 rms bath, steam. $30. Call before 6 p.m.

weekdays. 7-4321. LIBERTY 298--5 garage, good condition. $36, Tel. 6-8381.

LOCUST HILL-(off Locust St.) 6 rms. newly gar. Call after LONDERGAN L. Longmendow. mod.

6 rm. single, $45, 6-8381. MIDDLESEX 31-5 rooms, 2d floor. Oak floors, garage. $30.

Springfield Five Cents Savings Bank, 1319 Main. 7-1451. MILI 103-105-Large 10-rm. half house, steam heat, garage. Call 7-4321 before 6 p.m.

weekdays. OPPOSITE FOREST PARK -5 rooms lowPr. newly gar. Corner lot. 4-7832.

ORCHARD 106--6 rooms on the 1st floor. steam heat. $20. Springfield stitution for PAvings, 4-6411. PARK-Attrac.

upper lower redec. gar. Also 2 4 rm. apts. 6-8259.

PRENTICE mod. 6-rm. cottages. fireplaces. sew rooms, garages.

$40 carh. Call 6-3637. PROSPECT 65-Lower 2 bathe with garage. Tel. 3-3414.

TO LET 93 Marengo Park. 8-rm. 100 Euclid 7-rm. upper 236 Oakland 5 rm. lower $30 3133 Westfeld W.

6.. 7-rm. upper $35 35 Russell W. 8.. 5-rm.

Princeton 6-rm. upper, Monmouth st. 5-rin. $30 Jefferson 6-rm. upper.

Longmeadow 5-rm. upper. $30 Fort I'leasant 6-rm. lower $32.50 70 Bloomfeld 5-rm. Phone or Call for List EDW J.

MURPHY REALTORS 1537: Main St. 3-3147 UNION 383-Single, 10 rms. oil heat. $30. Call 6-8361.

WESTFORD 7 gar, oll. $75. A. G. Taylor 1421 Main.

3-9818. WESTFORD CIRCLE. 52-6 rms. upper, stm. screened porch, garaze.

Tel. 3-3062. WINDSOR 37-8-rm. duplex Springfield Institution for Sav. 4-6411.

WORTHINGTON 596-5 rms. $20. 6. IL. Barlow, 163 Spring St.

6-6108. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Houses for Rent WORTHINGTON 785-6 rooms on the 1st floor. $18 Springfield Institution for Savings. 4-6411. Offices and Desk Room 73 A-1 OFFICES, LIGHT AND AIRY.

ERN, ELEV. FIREPROOF: $12- $23. MARKARIAN 175 STATE ST. 3-0815. TOURAINE 182 State 8t.

Mod. office space. $20 up. Elevator and janttor service. Tel.

Suburban for Rent Edith modern 5-rm upper. Garden It desired. Call 3-9875. DAVENPORT ST. 11 (Chicopee) off Spild.

St. 6 rin, single. garage $36. 6-8381. EAST LONG.

-Londergan Pl. Attrac. 6 rm. single, modern, garage, $45. E.

LONGMEADOW Center, 8-rm. single house, 2-car gar. $35. Call betw. 7.30 a.m., 0.30 p.m.

Tel. 3-3523. HAMPDEN-5-room tenement. Arthur A. Jones, Hampden, RUSSELL 76-W.

5 1st floor, garage. $16. Call 6-8381. Wanted to Rent 81 SINGLE mod. cott.

small Amer. fam. City or suburba. Box 647 Union Office. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Business Property 82 EDW.

J. MURPHY Established 1892. Sales, mortgages, property management. leasing, appraising, consultants in ing or selling. 1037 Main St.

Tel. 3-3117. Farms and Land For Sale 83 HAVE A FARM FOR 6th annual "Farm For Sale" listings in this column every Sundar for weeks. 11 ou are selling your farm'an Inexpensive ad here will find you A buyer. 'For complete detalia write Farm Ad Spild Sunday Union- Republican.

16 Fort Spild. or phone 3-1121. Attractive 20-acre home, mod. bidga. A-1 location.

G. Is. Collester. 1691 Main St. Old Colonial elevation.

brook, woods, Melds. G. L. Colleater. 1691 Main st.

3 FARM houses cheap. 31 Clyde off Plainfield st. Houses tor Sale 81 Birchem Bend tea room home $3950 8 rms. -Fit for a king. McKnight Sec.

137-39 Bristol -Make an offer Lot, Rutledge Main St. $2275 Short lots. Center Lake, Becket, $400 3 fam. -Park, Glenwood sec. Bargains.

Mill St. lots. 60x150. worth Lot. No.

Main, next to Cupids Inn $2375 Hector Lucier, 415 Sumner Ave. DORSET -Just comp. redec. 6-rm. mod.

cott. Henry R. Whyte. 7-0374. EDDY cottage.

steam, oak floors, gar. Low price, $2800. :400 down. 2-2081-3-3252. ECKINGTON Beaut.

Colonial home. Perfect condition. Oll. extra toilet and lavatory. Sunroom.

Double garage. Ellen Selzam. 8-8760. JUST BUILT-11 Gilman near Diamond match. See today.

3-6131. LAWNDALE 69-6 rms. and fun excellent screened in porch. oll heat, garage. $4500.

Terms. Inquire on premises or call 6-6381, Two 1 fare, near schools. Excel. repair, oil heat. De 2631.

MELIA 3 family, fect condition. Good investment. $6900. Terms. Tel.

NEAR WASHINGTON SCHOOL- Cottage. rms, And sleeping porch. Large fireplace, master bedroom. Goni heating plant. A-1 rond.

$3900. A. G. Taylor 1421 Main St. 3-9818.

OHIO 92. W. Beautiful residence. oil, lot 140x300. Yerrall Yerrall, 41 Vernon, 2-9714.

PARK SECTION- -Modern 6-rin. rottase. garage. Tel. QUINCY single.

steam heat. $2000. A. G. Taylor Co.

3-9816. 6-5319. REASONABLE TWO FAMILIES 54-56 Home S.t, 12 rms. $4600 365 Page 13 garage TO $4700 SMALL DOWN PAYMENT TERMS CALL 6-8381 RIDGEWOOD 5 10-100m single house in An exceptional heat with oil, large sunroom, fireplace and neighborhood. Beautiful view.

Steam bardwood floors. Inspection invited. $7500 Small Down Payment Balance as Rent SPFLD. INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS Tel. 4-6411 or Your Broker SUMNER gar.

HOLC. $4700. down. 4 An bal. James T.

han. 1653 Main St. 4-9719 or 4-0255. TENTH 131-3 Three-family brick house apartments -continuous occupancy by fame tenants for over four years. sound investment value.

$4500 SPFLD. FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK 1319 Main St. Tel. 7-1451 477-Single 6 rms. den.

Fireplace, sunporch, gar. 6-6381. Excellent condition. $5600. Terms.

Call Lots for Sale LARGE lots. miles from Court Square, Nuffield Agawam. Fairbanks. 4-6721. LOTS-16 Acres" and E.

construction Forest Pk. Annne- WIll Assist with plans. ing. E. S.

Thy berg. $750 MAYFAIR AVE. lot. Tel. 3-4179 between 0.30 a.m..

5 p.m. 7 Suburban Tor Sale EAST LONGMEADOW, 6 rm. cottage, school. mod. paved church, stores.

$3500, $500 down. 3-9244. bus line, near MOD. COTTAGE HOME--MANY EXTRAS 6 Rooms and Sunroom -Fireplace 75x250-Double Garage SEE 6 fireplace, ol! L. C.

DAVIE, EAST x133. burner. Trice extra $4500. W. 8.

Champlia. E. toilet, 2-car gar. Lot 135 Longmeadow. 8 ring 12.

7-ROOM House, modernized. Garage, young orchard, acres on College highway: 5-room cottage. garage. hen house, Acre on College highway; 8-room house, barn, 2 acres In Southwick. catate.

Spa Charles WestM. Cooley, for real field, Mass. Tel. 196 or 1019. 40 ACRE Farm.

barn. hen houses, 4-room hard cottage, electricity, water with supply, 12-room on house, stock road: barn. tobacco barn. hen houses, m-acre farm electric pump, on hard road: silo, 13-acre running farm. 6 room house, stock barn, water, electricity.

1 mile off hard PRICED road. LOW. THESE See Charles If. Cooley, for PROPERTIES ARE estate, Westfield, Mass. Tel.

196 or real 1019. Keal Estate for Sale or Exchange 88 GOOD income pronerty. trade for Union bustor small property, Box 511 Office. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY AUCTION OF ANTIQUES West Brookfield. Town Hall Saturday, April 20, 1910, at 10:30 ot J.

31. dine collection of Intigue and mental items as follows: Drake, 2-part dining table (2 sections), cupboard, tables, chairs, clocks, Tug, are. china, lustre, fireplace utensils and other interesting pieces Hi. 1. MeGRATI and LIS TILLER, Auctioneers Terms: Cash.

sale Positive Lunches Nearby Money to Loan $50 NEXT financing CAR 3 YOUR Lower Finance Rates (a example: you (principal $13.23 interest) balance. months on write rate or chart. for complete Phone 2-5155 PLAN 164 Bridge St. Springfield 164 Bridge St. Springfield CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Automobile Instruction Auto Driving Instruction- $10 Laporte Auto School, 80 Broadway.

3-1111. Driving Course $10. School Eat. 1909. Fairbanks Auto School, 98 Dwight.

4-9103 DRIVING lessons. for son. Course, $10. Forest Auto School, 6-7190. Miscellaneous 0x1? 'Tapestry Dust Cleaned and RUGS steam Carpet Clean.

sterilized 96 $1.50. State. Crescent 2-0039 Dusted, Shampooed, Repaired RUGS 501 SPFLD. ST. JAMES STEAM A CARPET 2-8113 CO.

FLAT GLOSS WHITE Sc Gal. ASH CANS 08c FRANKLIN HARDWARE coRr. 1013 Main St. Near Franklin Tel. 3-1073 MATTRESSES MADE OVER $2.50 Tel.

4-3313 Springtield Mattress Co. Money to Loan Diamonds Watches Rica! Tools -Anything of Value. People's Jewelry Loun 1873 Slain. LOANS WATCHES, JEWELRY DIAMONDS. SPRINGFIELD JEWELRY LOAN cO.

Est. 1912 1618 Main St. How les U'pholstering LIVING ROOM SUITES RE UPHOLSTERED Free. Estimate Refilled Rebuilt: Recovered a Refinished 23 SI WEEKS Phone Mr. Shatz 7-3535 Money to LOAN Cash on Your Own Signature Phone 4-2127 MRI.

SHERIDAN will welcome your inquiry and give you all details. THE NEW METHOD H. SHERIDAN, Manager FINANCE CORPORATION A 1362 Main St. License 60 Automobiles for Sale YOU SAVE MONEY! AT OUR NEW LOCATION '39 Ply. Cel.

2-Dr, Heater. $595 '33 Ply. Del. $475 '37 Dodge 4-Dr. Trk.

Scd. H. $450 '37 Pont. 4-Dr. Trk.

with Heater '37 Ford "60" $250 '37 Ply. Bus. Cpe. 326 '36 Ply. 4-Dr.

Sed. $295 '36 Ford 2-Dr. $195 '33 Chev. 4-Dr. Sed.

$125 '32 Olds Conv. Cre. $85 '32 Nash 4-Dr. Sed. $65 '31 Pont.

4-Dr. Sed. $59 '32 Essex 2-Dr. Sed. $45 Many Others All Prices J.

C. BYRNES CO. DODGE- PLYMOUTH Dealers I 34 AVE. Near Longhill St. Tel.

7-9141 $39 De Heater, Soto Tr. And 0. Adan, stadio, '39 Bantam '37 Dodge Business Tord 'Tr. Heater. '31 Plymouth Sedan, I.

A 15 Ralph. D. Jones DISTRIBUTORS 721 or -Tel. 64301 1938 HUDSON 8 Convertible Sedan One of the most striking cars on the road. Morocco Red finish with chrome trim.

Powered to make you boss of the road, if you want to be 122 H. P. America's safest brakes. Sold under our 12 plan. month guarantee $695 HARRINGTON HUDSON CO.

Drive In Used Car I'laza 17-27 Pearl St. Tel. 4-611G You'll Buy At Calok's, And '33 Buick 41 Sedan. $795 '38 Bulck 41 Sedan $665 '39 Chevrolet Master Del. $625 $38 Pontiac 8 Tr.

$595 '38 Chrysler 6 Tr. '38 Dodge Tr. $525 '38 Ford-85 Spec'al Sed. $495 '37 Dodge Tr. Sedan.

$450 '37 Dodgo Tr. $425 '37 Plymouth Sedan $425 $36 Pontiac 6 Sedan $375 '37 Ford Coupe $295 '35 Dodge Sedan $295 $35 Plymouth Sedan $276 '35 Terraplanc Sedan '34 Chevrolet Coach $175 $34 Chevrolet Coupe $165 '34 Studebaker Coupe. CATOK MOTORS HUDSON SALES SERVICE 354 Columbus Ave. 4-1616 (Near South Ind Bridge) CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Wanted- -To Buy Old Gold, Gold Filled, CASH Sterling Silver Old Gold Shoppe, 200 Worthington for CASH OLD DIAMONDS, GOLD M. J.

KITTREDGE, INC." 1354 MAIN ST. TEL. 3.4412 BRANCH STORE 164 MAIN ST. NORTHAMPTON. Automobiles for Sale Studebaker 1936 DICTATOR COUPE Rumble seat.

Finished in Black with Green Striping. Modern styling, Planar suspension, Fram Oil Filter. You'll agree this is an outstanding huy Sterling A. Orr, Inc. 92 Memorial Ave.

2-4168 West Spfld. Sales Service Sce These Before You Select. 75 to Choose From All Reconditioned. Buick Heater. '38 Sinall Sedan.

Iadio and $649 Ford '39 Conv. a Coupe. Black Top. Small Radio and Mileage Heater. $689 Cher rolet '39 Coach.

Radio Heater. (Black) 4600 Miles. $649 No Down Payment Plan AUTOMOBILE SALES CO. 95 Liberty, Cor. Dwight A PONTIAC INS TRADE WEEKLY SPECIALS '36 Pont.

6 2-Dr. Sed. $295 '36 Pont. 8 Tr. Sed.

$350 '36 Pont. 8 2-Dr. Tr. Sed $315 '35 Pont. 6 Tr.

Sed. $265 '37 Pack. 6 Tr. Sed $465 '36 Olds. 6 Tr.

$325 '36 Plym. Trunk Sed. $295 '36 DeSoto Spt. Cpe. $325 G5 MORE TO CHOOSE FRoM JOUR TERMS ARE OUR TERMS GENDEN Inc.

AUTHORIZED PONTIAC SALE SERVICE 2387 Main Cor. Morgan Tel. 6-3481 SEE THESE CARS '38 Plym. 4-Dr. Sed.

'37 Plym. 4-Dr. Sed. '37 Plym. Coupe '37 Ford Coupe $295 '36 Ford Coupe '35 Ford Coach '34 Dodge Sedan '32 Plym.

4-Dr. Sed. '31 Stude. Sedan '30 Chev. Coupe '30 Chev.

2-Dr. Sed. '29 Ford Tudor $30 M. C. BARRETT, Inc.

DE: SOTO PLYMOUTH 600 State St. Open Eves. 4-2133 DELUXE HOUSE PAINT $2.85 Per Gallon Nepsco, 115 Dwight St. 4-6478 Automobiles for Sale MERCURY 1939 Convertible Club Coupe Deluxe equipped with Radio, Heater, Fog Lights, Bumper Bar and Electric Clock. Driven only 10.000 a miles.

used Still car A price brand of new $865 KELLEHER MIXER INC. St. ATP. 3-3116 LOOK our stock over. A wide and varied selection of beautifully reconditioned automobiles.

Buy now before prices rise. Every car guaranteed. Satisfaction has made us Springfield's leading Dodge dealers. $33 PONTIAC Touring Sed. 75 '34 FORD 2-Door Sedan 65 $35 FORD 2-Door Sedan $123 PIERCE ARR.

TIC. Coe. 75 $34 PONTIAO Sedan $125 '37 FORD Conne .............4 '37 FORD DeL 83-4-Dr. $355 '38 Tour. Sedan $475 Dodge 4-Dr.

Del, Sed. $735 MOTOR CAR INTERNATIONAL COMPANY 14 Direct Dodge Factory De clan IN Open Original YOUR PICK. and you'll find it "tough pickins" deciding which of our used cars is the out. standing one of the lot they're all Honeys! '39 Buick 40 Trg. '38 44 Trg.

'37 Buick 40 Trg. '36 Buick 61 Trg. '37 Ford Trg. 4-Dr. '36 Ford Trg.

$225 '38 Pontiac Coach '36 Pontiac Trg. '37 Dodge Trg. $425 '36 Dodge Trg. '39 Plymouth Trg. $625 '38 Plymoulh Trg.

$445 '37 Packard Trg. '35 Packard Trg. $275 '34 Hupp Trg. SPRINGFIELD BUICK CO, 630 MAIN ST. TEL.

2-4126 64301 Money to Loan Money to Loan YOU CAN GET A LOAN OF $100 IF YOU CAN SET ASIDE $6.41 A MONTH Cash Amount You Pay Reck Each We guarantee the payments shown in Lean Month Including All Charges this table to be the full amour.t you will You pay back, when payments are made on Get 12 16 20 schedule. The faster you pay, the less the mOS, mos. mes, loans nan loan total cost. 4.54 One price to all 25 9.08 4.87 These payments include charges at House. 13.62 731 5.74 4.81 hold's rate of per month, Thisrate in 100 18.15 9.75 7.66 6.41 less than the maximum permitted by the 125 22.69 12.19 9.57 8.02 Small Loan we guarantee it is 150 27.23 14.62 11.49 9.62 the came to everyone price to all.

200 36.31 19.50 15.32 12.83 Only borrowers sign -no endorsers on any 2.50 45.39 24.37 19.15 16.04 19.24 loan. No credit inquiries of friends or 300 54.46 29.25 22.98 tives. To apply. phone, write or visit office. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION 9th floor.

Third National Bank 1387 Main St. License No. 139 Phone: Springfield 6-0351 R. 11. Fuss, Manager When you borrow--borrow from this Bank Personal Loans Co-makers generally are not required If you need You sign for You Each month Total cost for 12 months for 12 months 5100 $108 $101.52 $9.00 £6.48 125 132 124.08 11.00 7.92 150 156 146.64 13.00 9.36 175 192 180.48 16.00 11.52 200 216 203.04 18.00 12.96 250 264 248.16 22.00 15.84 300 324 304.56 27.00 19.44 Loans of $300 and over may be extended 15 months 300 330 305.25 22.00 24.75 Amounts pot scheduled may be borrowed in proportion Total costs are, of course, based apon prompt payment each month DIRECT AUTO LOANS Direct Auto Loans are made at above rates plus costs of filing Springfield National Bank Main office: Main and Bridge Strecte Branches: 794 State Etrert Sumner Avenue 1:4 Main Street, O.


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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.