The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

A THE SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER: 3, 1940 19 Cash Quickly for Your Fall Necessities -See 17. the Money to Loan Advertising EMPLOYMENT Situations Wanted- 37 EECOND CLASS engineer desires position. Box 1331. Union Office. FERVICE ingr.

desires reliable connection. Age 35. Tel. 2-7518. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 35 RE INDEPENDENT Will establish you in excellent paying busInes.

distributing nationally ON used commodities. NO SELLING. EARNINGS GUARANTEED. Credit extended to right party. Cash investment required.

Can be handled in spare tune. Box 201, Union Office. ROLLER SKATING RINK -Widow must dispose of this successful business. New brick building. 78' new equipment.

Air -conditioned, special floor. acre land. Only rink in city of 50,000 Also equipped for boxing. wrestling and dancing. Excellent proven net income better than 18.

May be financed. J. BRIDGMAN. INC. exclusive agent, 100 North Pittsfield, Mass.

P'ersonai Financing 39 ARANDON All bille. See First Personal Bankers. Inc. On Court Square, Elm: St. License 090.

Tel. 4-1138. LOANS to $300 on. your own signature. Tho New Method Finance 1362 Main st.

Tel. 4-2127. License 60. Money to Loan 40 A CHANCE TO Beneficiaries, heira, legatees. under wills trusts to obtain monAy.

Call 3-A314. CASH PAID or loaned on watches, monda, Ct. Sq. Jewelers, 1265 Main St. AUTO LOANS $300 to $1000 Immediate Service MOTOR ACCEPTANCE 510 MAIN NT.

TEL. 6-9036. INSTRUCTION Local Instruction Classes 13 MEN -Learn a trade. Train now for better paying job. Enroll at New EngA largest school: work on the finest equipment.

No charge if drafted before graduation. The New England School of Practical Training specialized In giving you a complete all practical individnal training In welding or machine shop practice; reasonable te ms: CASY weekly payments. Before you In vert. Investigate. For details call 01 write New England School of Practical Training, 33 Winter Spild 4-9255.

AAA--BE A QUALIFIED WELDER. Thousands of men wanted in aviation, shipyards, arsenals and industry. Get into this big paying trade now. Master Welders give Practical Training Aircraft, Acetylene Gas and Elec. Arc Welding.

Classes days or evenings. 7 yrs. welding business. Booklet free. DYER'S WELDING SCHOOL 580 Belmont.

Springfield. Dial 3-8785. Musical. Dancing, Dramatic 1 BALLROOM tap dancing, piano, dramatics, accordion, guitars, Mme Beaurecard's School of Music, 1634 Main St. 2-6317.

LIVESTOCK Dogs. Cats, l'ets BOSTON terriers, water spaniels, fox terrierg, co*cker spaniels. Mrs. Stahl, 98 Whittier St. RITE ANDALUSIAN co*ckeral, fine breed, for sale.


cat, canary, foods, supplies, remedies. Holyoke l'pt. Supply, 326 High Holyoke, EVERY for birda, dees. THE PET SHOP. 59 Taylor St.

3-6334. WILL BUY a whole litter of cheap pups, Any breed. Tel. 2-0972. Horses, Cattle, Vehicles 48 HORSES- Wednesday.

December 4 at 1.30 0. WA will a consignment of horses from The Ferry Farm. Four chocolate colored horses and two dapple greys are included in this consignment. Also team harness, blankets and other horse accessories, and 1 special lot of new merchandise. in luding men's shops And clothing from a large general store.

These items were scheduled for last week, but the storm forued to postpone the sale. Hirks Ilolyoke, Mass. FOR fancy dairy cows. Fresh and close springers, all colors. Also eight good used farm horses.

Goldstein Gurwitz, Ware, Mass. I'hone 365-W. JUST ARRIVED--A carload of Iowa draft horses, matched pairs 2800 to 3500, pair Belgian mares in foal ou registered. Single 140 to 2100 lbs. fancy pair of chestnuts, a Iver manar and tails.

Several seronds, 25 saddle horses, Tel. Lee 431-W or Lenox 8302. E. 0. Kimball.

Poultry and Supplies 49 A BETTER price for your live poultry. Harry Solomon, 1734 Allen St. 4-1774. A GOOD assortment of leated Mountains, Waterers. Water Warmers and Fenders, Methe's Checkerboard Stores, Springfield, Mass.

Tel. 2-1194. ALl. LIVE POULTRY wanted. especially pullets.

Tel. Hughes. Spfld. 2-6134. ALWAYS beat prices paid for poultry.

Superman, 003 Memorial W'. Spfld. 3-2371. 120 New Hampshire pullets. laying also 10 co*ckerels.

Call Sunday or after 4.30 wack days. F. J. LAmson, Hall Hill Somerville, Conn. chicks, laying pullets for greater profits, C.

Pilch, Feeding Hills. 4-0162. WANTED -Large chickens, fowls, era. lucks, 1Ve pay more, F. J.

Zelazo, 3-2310. Wanted -Lirestock 50 ALL LIVE poultry wanted. Good prices I. Kaplan, 134 Knollwood St. 3-5403.

CATTLE WANTED -Especially interested in herds. Aronson West Main St. Tel. 822, Weatboro, Mass. MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale 51 CHILD'S roll top desk with chair, doll carriage, $5: doll house.

$10: Remt ington 22 rifle repeater. pump action, $10; Eastman Kodak Recommar 2 size, Horsehide leather coat, man's atre. 39 or 40, All but new condition. Evenings, 108 King's Highway, West 2-1879, OLD doll, original clothes. Baby doll, teddy hear, bird rage.

2-8162. plated old tea service and tray. Also 5 branch silver candelabra. 6-8703 SI'EED GRAPHIC Tessar 3.5. rango AndPr and synchronized flash gun, other accessories.

Private owner. 4-0933. Cameras and Equipment 51-A EASTMAN movie camera $19.95. John W. Deely (with Cheney's), 301 Bridge St.

Tol. 6-2739. KODAK moxiel slightly used 16 In movie camera f3.5 $17.95. Terms- Trades. United Luggage Camera Shop, 1688 Main Street.

EX Mercury. Everready Case. Exposure Flash And Enlarger new. Regular $71.00, our price $39.50. Easy terms, United Luggage Camera Shop.

1688 Main Street. Voightlander Superb F3.5 Shopar in compar. Guaranteed Da lite Screen, -wAy, 30x 10, beaded 4.73 21 Graftex, like new 73.00 FREEDMAN RADIO ELECTRIC CO. 1223 Main St. Tel.

G-1861 Business Equipment BARGAINS in store fixtures, new R- used at Stain's. $66 Main Springfield and 612 High Holyoke, BEST VALUES in store fixtures New used for every business. Pava Store Equipment Liberty Heywood Sts STEEr. transfer files: card and letter files: safes, desks, lockera, etc. Holyoke Auction 621 High Holyoke.

Fuel and Feed 56 soft Ac hard alaba, fireplace, Ac stove wood $0 up. 8-1935. SLAB WOOD stove wood. firenlace wood sale. Grade A.

Tel. 6-7190 wood, $4 cord. sawed any length And delivered. Tel. N.

Wilbraham 51-3. SOFT SLAB bu. 2: $1.60 cord. A -I hard slabs $5: $4.50 Tel. Chic.

1268. SOFT Wood $2.30 cord: $1.50 cord: also hard slab. Tel. 3-6347. Household Goods H.

A WONDERFUL BARGAIN GooD USED FURNITURE 11 Porcelain Comb. Ranges Glen Crawford, Bengal. Stewart, KAlAMAZOO, Sterling, Household) from $14.95: Parlor Sets Dining Sets $8.60: Breakfast Sets $6.60: Bedroom Fate $9.98: Chairs $1: Mal. Bedroom Set C'heap! OPEN EVES. $1.00 FURNITURE OUTLL MAIN MERCHANDISE Household Goods 59 A BANNER bargain for your floors, 20 84.

genuine inlaid linoleum, cemented and laid, complete for $17.93. Union 901 1 Main. Easy terms. A BANNER bargain, felt base rugs, $2.99. Furniture Outlet, 1049 Main.

A BANNER BARGAIN, 20 yds. heavy felt haze linoleum only $5.95. FURNITURE OUTLET, 1040 Main. Open Eves. SALE: BELLE BELLERK-DRESDEN-BISQUE-HEREND ORIENTAl, RIGS, pr.

Mah. Commodes, Mah. Gov. Winthrop Desk, Limoges Dinner Set, Silver Trays, CUT GLASS, Occasional Tables, STERLING. Mah.

Block Front Chest 011 Chest. Dial 2-8513. BARNEY'S ANTIQUE SHOPPE 1903 Main Street opp. Clinton Hotel ALL PORCELAIN kitchen ranges, And up. Some with oli burners, ANGERS STORE, 81 State St.

Tel. 2-9263. AT THE WHOLESALE furniture warehouse, quality furniture, mattresses, baby doll carriages, stoves, washers at A XMA9 wholesale prices. SUGGESTION 18 Hampden, Your 2-8398. kitchen covered with felt base linoleum.

Only $7.95 (20 80. LAID FREE. U'nion Furniture, 994 Main. Open Eves. BABY TOYS--Doll carriages, bicycles, tricycles, scooters, baby walkers.

rockers, play table sets, high chairs, cribs. Your own price on this lot. "See Dave Save." Miller's, 1935 Maln till 9 p.m. CHILD'S SLUMBER ROBE--Practically new. 9x13 rug.

Tel. 7-1070. GOOD kitchen range $0, it you come and get it. ANGERS STORE, 91 State St. Tel.

2-9203. HEADQUARTERS for LAne cedar chests. Mahogany, WAlnut and maple. $1 weekly. Edward's Furniture, 800 State Open eves.

4-3261. HIGH grade rock crystal cut and gold Aired decorative glassware. Suitable for gifts. B. B.

Lipsh*tch, 122 Melha 2d floor. HOUSE FULL of brand new furniture consisting of bedrooms, living rooms, breakfast sets, tables, lamps, rugs, etc. Must be sold out at once. 20 Spring South Hadley Falls. Call evenings 7 to 9 p.m.

MAPLE-MAPLE-MAPLE We want to close out 10 sets at $30. First come-Arst ret. Miller's, 1935 Main. NORGE ELECTRIC refrigerator, slightly used. Reg.

$180, now $100. Ten- year WATranty. Proctor 1212 Main Near State. de. 3-9101, RUGS- Bi Roxbury, and all good makes.

Harold G. Moore. 555 Enfield Thompsonville, 4396. Open eves. RUGS-Factory prices.

Orientals, AXminsters, b'looms. White Rug MINI Acts. 1123 State St. Open eves. 2-8058.

RUGS--Big Savings; also used rugs bought. sold, cleaned. repaired. Orchard Rug 258 Worcester Indian Orchard. Open eves.

8-1077. RUGS--Factory prices, Wiltons, Axminsters. Hunt Shea, mill 810 feld St. T'ville, 4371. Open till 9.

SAVE $45-Brand new 3-pc. living rin. suite, only $74. Easy terms. Phillips Fattory Showroom.

33 Harrison Ave. 2-9103. UNIVERSAL WASHER with pump, white porcelain, $30.50. ANGERS STORE, 91 State Tel. 2-9263.

VACUUM CLEANERS, 33 discount. ANGERS STORE, 01 State Tel. 2-0263. WINDOW SHADES- -Make your home attractive, 1 Il'e make them to order and do repairing. Springfield Window Shade Mfg.

62 Vernon St. 6-3145. 3 ROOM8 OF FURNITURE Everything Furnished Complete Easy Term--Free Delivery $48 HADLEY'S WAREHOUSE OUTLET 1095 Main St. -2 Blocks Pelow State CUBIC foot electric refrigerator, $139.50, new. ANGERS STORE, 91 State St.

Tel. 2-9267. Jenelry and Watches 60 CASH for diamonds. old gold. silver, platinum.

M. J. KITTREDGE, 1351 Main St. Tel. 6-0373.

FOR CHRISTMAS! Longines, Elgins, Walthams, lamiltons. Change old watches for new: rash for old gold, silver, diamonds, antique jewelry. Watches, clocks, Jewelry repaired. C. GRIMES, 2d Bookstore Bldg.

2-0118. Machinery and Tools 61 WOODWORKING machinery, spot welder, arc welder, chain falls, compressors, steel lockers and shelving. motors, belting. high speed and carbon tools. Spfld.

Auction, 769 Dwight St. 4-8896. Radios 62A MARTIN Dreadnaught guitar and case, $30. Phil Green, 171 Chestnut St. RADIOS--Midgets all wave.

$4 up. 1967 Main Rm. 40, open till 9. Wearing Apparel 65 FURS FOR REPAIRS. I Bring sample.

Hat trims, collars, PtC. 38 New Dwight St. LADIES' WINTER COATS Fall coats, eVP. gowns wraps $3 up. FUR COATS $17 up.

FUR JACKETS $6 up. Children's clothing. New Dwight St. MEN'S OVERCOATS LADIES WINTER Coats Shoes 05c up. 17 Sanford St.

OVERCOATS TOPCOATS OVERCOATS 3000 men's suits tuxedos $6 up to $18. Men's fur coats $10 up. Open evenings. 42 New Dwight, Near State, Wanted--To Buy 66 A BETTER PRICE for your furniture, rUgS, ranges, antiques, etc. Call 7-1379.

A BEST CASH PRICE For Rugs. Stoves and Furniture FURNITURE OUTLET, 4-2766. A BANNER PRICE paid for all used furniture, rugs, china, antiques, Bric-aBrac. Call BARNEY'S. 2-8612.

ARACADABRA, the magic number. word, Call it 7-1379 for phoue top prices for rugs, ranges, furniture, etc. ARSOLUTELY BEST CASTE PRICES paid kinds FURNITURE RUGS, AN. TIQUES. ECONOMY FURN, CO.

2-0145. ANTIQUES--Secretaries, desks, old family silver, marble top tables, haircloth furn, any cond. RICHMOND $2 Patton. 3-7041. HIGHEST cash prices naid for all kinds ol used furniture Re antiques.

Call Mr Kimball. Essex Furniture Co. 3-7473. JOHNSON'S BOOKSTORE PAYS CASH for Used Books, Antique Furniture and Antiques. 1879 Main Dial 2-6221.

ROOMS AND BOARD Rooms With Board 67 A FINE home for gent. in priv. near $7.50. Call 2-7808. ATTRACTIVE twin bedroom with private American adult family, Tel.

2-5964. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS with hot cold water in room. Oil heat, garage. WalkIng distance to Armory. 2-9257.

8.: Bowdoin St. DOUBLE or single rooms, near A Armory. FOREST PARK hoard for elderly lady, 1st next to bath. Tel. 6-1137.

LARGE heated room, twin heds, breakfast. walking distance. 2-1840. SELECT BOARD--Double Or single rooms. 304 St James Ave.

Tel. 6-3473. WANTED to share business or professional woman. Tel. 3-2844 after 5 p.m.

WANTED to share business or professional woman. Tel. 3-2841 after 5 p. n1. Rooms Without Board 68 A RETTER loc.

lowest priced hot water $2 up, 1073 Main near Smith and Wesson. A. CLEAN comfortable mO, private fam11y, reas, 11 Milton Indian Orchard. Tel. 8087.

A CLEAN ROOM- Very central, G8 Temple Mrs Fleld. Tel. A NICE LOC. -Large pleasant priv. bath; 8 min.

walk to Bridge Main. Davis, 166 Pearl St. AN ATTRAC rm. privi gentleman preferred. Thompson near Worthin.ton.

6-6141. AT HOTEL WORTHY Main and Worthington St. Large of Tub or Shower un; 81.30 DAily. Rooms with Private Bath, up: $2 Daily. 2 Rms, And Bath for Families.

ATTRACTIVE warn sunny room, next to bath. suitable for business girl, 67 Mulberry St. BARNES. HOTEL-837 Main rooms, running water, shower. $3 $4.

6-9807. BELMONT PLACE, 18-Attractive rooms, breakfast optional. fall 2-4046. BRIGHT warm room in central Ant. to bualness lady, Priv.

family. 2-8781, BOWDOIN -9 mail ncar Ar. mory, meals If Parking space. CLINTON HOTEL lobby. AT trac.

rms. with bath or shower $7 up Annex hath $5: running water $1, 1976 Main St. 3-3121. COZILY ARRANGED, or 2. lovely sunny priv.

home, gar. 71 Walnut. 2-6827. ROOMS AND BOARD Rooms Without Board 68 COOLIDGE HOTEL- Daily rates, 81, $1.28, $1.50: weekly rates, $4, $5, $6. Free parking.

Main St. Tel. 4-3580. FOREST TARR-Near pleasant shower, gar. Gentleman.

Tel. 2-4359. IT. PLEASANT 214-2 connecting rooms with priv. bath, or single.

Sep. entrance. 3-4204. FURNISHED room And bath, board optional. 1104 Worthington St.

Tel. 4-5461. HIGH 63-Rooms, central to business district Armory. Parking, transients. HILL SECTION--Nicely furn.

free parking. 107 Northamplon Ave, HOTEL HAWKINS-1310 Main comf. rooms, running water $3, $5. others $2.50. IDEAL ROOM businessmen, conn.

shower, or parking. 311 St. James 6-0432. NEAT: WINCHESTER SQUARE Newly furnished single rooms, reas. 907 State st, 3-6879.

STATE 786--Attractive rooms. Desirable location. Reasonable. Call 7-0277. SPRING 133--- room in Apt.

Near business district and Armory, Parking. 4-7933. "THE CHAT," 1048 Riverdale West newly furn. steam heated large rms, Meals if desired. 10 minutes to Spfld.

4-9771. Rooms for Housekeeping 69 A CLEAN ROOM. very central. adults. 68 Temple Mrs.

Field. Tel. 2-0331. MAPLE nicely furnished 2nd floor front. Tel.

6-3400. SPRING 69-- Iomellke 2 or 3 everything ready for read Includ. gas, light, heat, linens dered. Mrg, Woodard. STATE 1549--3 clean rooma, 3d fl.

$4 wk. Men or women. Elec. furn. UNION ST, 180, (near Staple St.) --1 or 2 light housekeeping rooms, also aleeping rooms.

REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartments and Flats 71 A BETTER APARTMENT 78 Relmont 4 rooms s8 Elliot 3 rooms 3-8038 59 Fort Pleasant 3-4 rms. 6-6542 A BETTER APARTMENT FOREST T'ARK HILL 4 RMS. D. F. MORIN 1570 Main.

6-4591 ANGERS QUALITY APARTMENTS Federal 2, 3 4 rms. 7-0610, 7-0781 Locust 4 rooms 3-4344 Bayonne and Oswego, 4 rooms F. E. ANGERS INC. ALL ELECTRIC BEAUMIER APTS.

Best Residential 2-2859 Sections 3 5 6 6-1640 Office at Beaumier Square ATTRAC. 5 sunny warm in winter, newly dec. "St. George." 3.4518-4-7715. BELMONT 100-Newly 4.

5, 6- rm. bkft. adults. 6-8133. Byers 76-2 shower 4-5810 Myrtle 31-4 rooms, 3d floor 7-1361 J.

WERNICK SONS TEL. 6-4277 CEDAR 3-373T. 110-5-ROOM APARTSIENT. COLONY COURT. 158 Maple -3-4-5 rm.

completely redec. Call E. E. Bo3well, Sheraton Hotel (formerly Stonehaven) or Supt. on premises.

DANIEL GEORGE 66-70-74 31111 St. 3 4 Rooms, Very Attractive. Tel. 6-1640 DWIGHT ST. corner Essex floor, 5 rooms.

$20 mo. Tel. 6-2950. DWIGUT corner Essex -3d floor, 6 rooms. $20 mo.

Tel. 6-2950. HIGH 33-Near Maple. 4-room apt. Call 2-2680, LA SALLE 15 Edwards 2 electric stove.

Dr. Clow. 6-5038. MAIN 511-(Corner of Wendell PL.) Heated 5-room apt. Available at once.

Call 7-4321 before 5 p.m. weekdays. MAPLE 175-6 ROOMS, 3D HA FLOOR. TEL. 2-8317.

MAPLE 143-3 every convenience. Furn. if desired. Frig. Apply janitor.

Edward J. Murphy Realtors. 3-3147. MERWIN 47-4-room stm. heat, garage.

Tel. OSWEGO 89-4 room apt. Refrigerator, compact. See Dir. Philie, 36 Oswego St.

6-4982. PLEASANT 6 rm. heated 2d Bay St. Adults. Call 7-1194.

PEARL 60-62-5 rooms. good condition, refrig. $42. Tel. 6-8381.

SARATOGA 31-4 all modern; adults. Tel. 4-4756 or 6-7490. Several Desirable Apartments Now Available: $30 to $45 SPFLD. INSTITUTION FOR SAT'ING3 TEL.

4-6411 SPRING ST. 103-107-4, 5 6 rooms modern Call 6-8381. STATE and 4-room modern newly decorated. Call 7-0277. SUMNER 18 5 rooms.

modern, good condition. $40. Call 6-8381. UNION 292--2-3-4 rooms. $35 to $55 Call A.

St. Jean. UNION 308-First floor, 7 rooms, bath, garage. Apply 316 Union St. Furnished Apts and Houses 71-A AMERICAN business Jewish girl, share ant.

Ret. req. Box 199 Union Office. ANGERS quality apartments, 2 And 3 Federal St. Section.

T-0181 or 7-0040. ATTRACTIVELY furn. upper apt; in fam. house. Bus, Convenient.

2 car, Reas, rent. Ref. exchanged. Tel. 4-2779, appointment for inspection.

Orcupanry Jan. 1. AUBURN, 2142 Alain, with or without priv bath, excel. fire protection. 6-9744.

ELLIOT 83-2 room furnished apt. Near Kimbail Ilotel. Tel. 3-8038. OSWEGO 65--2 3 rm.

furnished steam heat. hot water, all electric. MAIN ST. 2132-Strand Apts. 2 3 furn.

$5.50 to $7.50 wk. Excellent gerv. ROOM--Mod. single house, beautifully furn, Oil, tile bath, Forest Park Sec. 6.6091.

SHERATON HOTEL (formerly the Stonehaven), TO Chestnut modern and completely fireproof apartment hotel, 1, 2, 3 rooms. furn, and unfurn. Newly decorated and furnished. ATTRACTIVE RATES. Your inspection invited.

Excellent food. E. E. Boswell, manager. Tel, 4-3141.

SUBLET. very desirable, large 2-rm. Jan. 1 to April 1. Completely furn.

Central location. Box 170, Union Office. Business Places for Rent 75 ALL BETTER HOMES for rent or sale. Strangers assisted. Ellen Selzam.

6-8760. A MODERN heated store. 14 Oak Indian Orchard. $35. Call 6-8381.

ATTRACTIVE STORES 505 Belmont Ave. (At the X). Mod. $20 466 Main St. $38 CALL 6-8381 ATTRACTIVE STORE-42 Berkshire Ave.

13x31. Modern. $15. Tel. 6-8381.

BRIDGE 137-Excel. location for small retail business, Call 7-4321 before 5 p.m. weckdays. CENTRALLY ft, LOCATED (3rd A. And Approximately basem*nt), sq.

loading platform, freight elevator, sprinklers. John J. Fish. 3-4848. INDUSTRIAL MERCANTILE SPACE From 1500 to 100,000 Ag.

ft. located In and about Springfield. Particulars upon application. EDW. MURPHY CO.

1637 Main St. REALTORS. Tel. 3-3147 Houses for Rent 77 A BETTER SELECTION OF RENTS Aunawon ti $37.50 8 Belmont 6-r. upper.

st. ht. 30.00 1211 Carew 6 st. gar. 32.50 713 Dickinson 7-r.

lower, gar. 32.50 120 Fountain 6-r. lower, gar. 35.00 89 Groveland, st. 32.50 71 5-r.

lower, st gar. 35.00 205 Mass, Nt. Aar. 37.50 Myera, 164 Broadway. 6-8338 ALSACE 18 6 3d floor.

garage. $34. Call 6-8381. ATTRACTIVE SINGLE HOUSE BEAUTIFUL ESTATE 32 LONGMEADOW LONGMEADOI 8 rooms, 3 baths. refrigeration, oil heat, garage.

Call 2-1328. ATTRACTIVE SINGLE HOUSES 37 Oak Grove gar. $50 34 Carliale St. --6 gar. 40 THE ELLIS CORPORATION.

TEL. 6-8381 ATTRACTIVE TWO FAMILIES 135 Woodside 6 oll, rm. $55 5 Greenacre 6 oil $35 103 Fountain 6 gar. THE ELLIS CORPORATION. TEL.

6-8381 ASHLEY 19--0 rooms $20. Inquire office in rear or Tel. 3-2772. BAY 365-All mod. 5 complote'y redecorated.

$22. Gar. AVAil. $2. 2-7908.

BELMONT AVE. cor. Lawndale, renovated stm. windows, h. W.

conn. gar. 3-0847. BLAINE 100-Upper 6, gar. $35 WOODLAWN 27-Upper lower 6, $36 RUSKIN 39-Upper 6, gar.

$35. 6-8259 CENTRAL 43-49-4 and 5 rooms, good condition, $18 and $30. Call 6-8381. CHESTNUT 310-6 rooms, sun room, garage. $35.

Tel. 6-8381. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Houses for Rent CHATEAUGAY 33-C. F. mod.

6.rm. upper, convenient to Westinghouse, gar. $25. Available Jan. Call 6-3637.

COLLEGE 122 Upper, newly remodeled, gar. $28. COMMONWEALTH 109-Upper, 2- fam. Available now: $32.30. Tel.

3-1141. Trust Dept. CORONA 46-- Attrac. 7-room single, oil heat, gar. Tel.

4-7388. DAY ST. 82- Vest Spfld. 4 upper, nr. (HI' ert Barker's.

Only $18. Call 6-3637. DICKINSON 497 Modern 7 good gar. $35. Tel.

6-8481. DESIRAB RENTALS FEW RENTS AVAILABLE ACT NOW S1 dionmouth 5 rms. $30 28 Noel 5 rms. $25 81 Orchard St. 5 rms.

$19 33 Plymouth 6 rms. $22 226 Ft. Pleasant 7 rins. $4v 45 Thomas 5 rms. 7 Sorrento Sti, 5 garage $30 13 Norwood 7 ring.

upper $22 73 Kenwood 6 steam 17 Clayton 5 3d $25 A Few Desirable Singles. $30 to $15 SPFLD. INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS TEL. 4-6411 DESIRABLE RENTS AVAILABLE AT ONCE RENOVATION GUARANTEED Singles 51 Oak Grove 8 steam $15 1079 Summer 7 gar. $12.50 829 White St.

K. 7 gar. $35 Two Families 50 Bradford 7 rooms $25 76 Ft. Pleasant 5 gar. $40 93 Garfield 6 rooms, steam $35 Multi-Family louses 27 John 4 and 5 rooms $22-24 REAL ESTATE DEPT.


$51. Middlesex 6 rooms. garage, steam. $38. Catherine 7 rooms, steam.

$32. Dickinson 6 rooms, furnace. $30. Sherbrooke $37. Wendell 6 rm.

$25. Tel. 4-8719. DO YOU WANT A GOOD SINGLE? We have single of all sizes and shapes; From Hill, Park. Long.

Yes, suburbs, too! $33 per month MACMILLAN MYERS, Realtors, 164 Broadway. 6-8338. DIVIGIIT 1200--5 rooms, good condition. $19. Call 6-8381.

PAST Duryea near Westinghouse, 6-room bungalow, garage. Tel. 2-0743. FENWICK 41-Near Mass. Mutual, excellent 6 rms.

upper, gar. $36. Harry R. Whyte. 7-0374.

FLORIDA 40-5-rm, lower, garage Near Armory. Apply 41 Florida St. FOREST PARK 73-Attrac. 6-rm. upper, steam, gar.

Tel. 4-7388. FOREST PARK 163-9 single, modern, 2 baths, oil heat. Excellent condition, 2-car garage. Tel.

6-8381. FRANKLIN 439 -Near Liberty 5 rooms. newly redec. Rent $19. 3-2914.

FT. PLEASANT 202-Single 8 modern. good 2 baths, $52. 6-8381 GEORGE 20-Avallable Dec. 15.

6 bath, 1st 2 bath, 3rd A. Tel. 3-1111. Trust Dept. GLENHAM 32-Attractive 5 rm.

upper, steam, garage. Inquire 48 Glenham St. GOODWIN 15S, Indian Orchard, 6 rooms. garage. $26.

Call 6-8381. HANco*ck 513-5 rms. up $18. Seth Barlow, 163 Spring St. 6-6108.

HIGH 03-Lower, rooms, 6 on one floor, sunny pleasant $35. Phone 4-2394. HILL SECTION single and maid's quarters, Westminster modern, oil heat, newly decorated: $60. Tel. HOWES 60-5 lower, modern, steam heat.

$26. J. Fish, 3-4848. JOHNSON 95-Modern 6 rm. upper, steam, A-1 condition.

Adults. 2-6852 KENION lower, mod. tenement, gar. $30. 3-5231.

KENWOOD TER. 30-2d floor, 6 rooms. heated. Excellent condition. gar, $55.

Call between 11 2 or evenings. KIMBERLY 33-Upper 6 comp. redec. Available Dec. 15.

Tel. 2-0813. KIMBERLY 7-Single 7 best loc. Call 7-4321 before 5 p.m. weekdays.

LEXINGTON 290--5 rms. tile bath, heat hot water furn. Back of the Shriner Hospital. Inq. 438 Chestnut.

LIBERTY 363-2d floor, 6 rooms, newly remodeled. Tel. 4-2937. LONGMEA DOW Farmington 11 rooms, 3 baths, oll heat, good condition, now available: $125. Others from $63 to $130.

Scott Stearns, Realtor. Phone 4-7063. LONGJIEADOW-60 Westmoreland Ave. rml. single, oil heat.

Wm. H. Feltham Son, 3-8641. -Bliss single 6 newly dec. 6-4247 or 3.3375.

MELHA 52-Modern 6 newly decorated, tile bath. garage. $42. 6-8381. MIDDLESEX 101-Upper 6 good condition, Areplace, steam, $10, with gar.

3-0311. NORWOOD 76-4 5 good condition. Tel. 6-8381. OAK GROVE 263-6 tile bath, excel.

gar. $40. 6-8381. P'ARK 8O Kensington $26. 93 Alderman nice $28.

Adults only. Tel. 3-1559 or 4-6870. REVERE 112-P'LEASANT 5 ROOM UPPER GARAGE TEL. 3-9252.

P'RATT 49-Exclusive regidential section, modern, newly 6 lower. Tel 6-3183 after 6 p.m. RIMMON 301-Attractive single, 8 rooms, oll heat, gar. $65, Tel. 6-8381.

SPRINGFIELD 627 Chicopee. Attractive 6-rm. lower, steam. Tel. 4-7388.

TENEMENT TO RENT-10 Edgemont St. First floor. 6-3246. THOMPSON 83-6 rooms, modern, steam heat. Phone 2-7228.

TO LET 46 Franklin 6-rm. upper $17.00 09 Donald 5-rm. lower 25.00 93 Marengo Park, 8-rm. single 60.00 34 Mountainview 8-rm. single 55.00 134 Johnson 7-rm.

duplex 30.00 43 Relvidere 6-rm. single 40.00 Phone or Call for List EDW. J. MURPHr CO. REALTORS 1637 Main St.

3-3147 VIRGINIA ROOM, 2ND FLOOR. TEL. 2-8317. WASHINGTON 132-7-rm. lower, gar.

$40. Fred A. Vogel, realtor, 1252 Main St. 2-3167. WILLIAM 5 or 6 rooms $4.50 week.

Apply Max Tire, 1183 Columbus 6-2668. Offices and Desk Room 78 A-1 OFFICES--Light. Airy, elev. freproof, $12 to $25, Markarian 173 State St. Tel.

3-0815. DESIRABLE office space for rent in SpAd. Five Cents Savings Bank Building, 1313 Main St. 7-1431 TOURAINE 182-State St. -Mod.

office space. $15 up. Elevator and Janitor service. Tel. 6-8381.

Suburban for Rent 79 AGAWAM Federal St. Extension, cottage. Adams Crockett, 113 Bridge HOLYOKE 2087 Northampton good cond. $30. 6-8381.

CHIC. FALLS-5 rooms, duplex house. BROADWAY-5 rooms, second floor. D. F.

MORIN 1570 MAIN. 6-4591. house, modern, plenty of land. N. Carew.

LONGMEADOW-6 rm. stm. heat, fireplace, $43. Call eves. 7-0482.

W. Wilder Ter. newly steam, garage. Reas. 'Tel.

W. Springfield, Irving 5 rooms N. Agawam. Royale rooms 22.30 Tel. 6-0308 or 6-2050 10 MILES State line.

Hampden Somers, 3 rms. bath, running water, circulating heat, fireplace, $22.50. Ref. 2-5614, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Houses for Sale 61 ARE YOU looking for A 4.bedroom home in the park at A modest price? Available immediately, white, clapboard, Dutch Oolonial hardwood floors, fireplace, garage, steam, compact and completely redecorated inside out! Inquire about the low price! R. H.

FLAGG, REALTOR, 19 Elm Street. 6-6391. ROND 50-2 Two-family frame house, five-room apartmenta, furnace first floor, four garage. I'ricA $3500. Cash $350.

Monthly $35.13 to cover: taxes, interest And amortization, Monthly Income $13 SPFLD. FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK 1319 Main Tel. 7-1451 CARROLL 13 (off TIMany) -Brand new, insulated, 5 atr conditioned home. Priced under $5000. Tel.

3-0341. LUNMORELAND sinzle, all improvements, 2-rar gar. Good 86000. 3-9518. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Houses for Sale 81 DUNMORELAND 100---12 rooms, family, excellent condition: $70 monthly income.

Price $3700. Terms. 6-8381. F. the best 7-rm, bungalow and EAST cottage.

lolland heatgarage. Paved street. I $3360. 3-9818. er.

newly' large lot. $500 down. 2-2081. 3-3252: EAST HOOKER 27-9 Two-family frame house, apartments, A good inexpensive home. or InvestPrice $3200.

Cash $300. Monthly $33.25 to SPFLD. FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK cover taxes, interest and a amortization. ment. Monthly Income $40 1319 Main Tel.

7-1451 EL PASO 390 (of! Page Blvd.) Sgle. 6 gar. $3750. Terms. 6-8381.

ESSEX 61 Two-family frame house, five will carry on prement Price $2950. Cash $300. Monthly $31.70 to cover. taxes, interest and Monthly. Income SPEED.

FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK 1319 Main St. FLORENCE 163 Two-family frame house, five-room apartments, garage, convenient to Watershops. Price $3500: Cash $400. Monthly $33.81 to cover taxes, interest. and amortization.

Monthly Income $44 CENTS SAVINGS BANK 1319 Main St. Tel. 7-1451 LARONE 61 West Springfield An attractive 6-room bungalow orated: Above the floor level. It has steam heat, fireplace, hardwood floors and an excepa tionally spacious yard. $3600 Small Down Payment.

Ralance AS Rent SPFLD. INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS Tel. 4-6411 or Your Broker LONG comfortable LONGMEADOW-Benedict home with Terrace oll and steam heat, new hardwood floors. Completely redecorated inside and out. Priced to sell at $5800.

R. 1. FLAGG, REALTOR, 19. Elm Street. 6-8394.

room house garage, up to date. ecoLONGMEADOW-106 106 Longfellow Drive. 6 nomical up keep. 4-1744 or 2-0827. MELHA 18-80-Modern, 2-family perfect condition.

Good investment; $6900. Terns. Tel. 6-8381, SO. PARK 6-rm.

single. $6000. (HOLC). down. on bal.

James Sheehan, 1653 Main St. 4-8719 or 4-0255. SUMNER 1027-Modern 3 family, 12 fireplace, garage. Monthly income $62. Price $5500.

Terms. Call 6-6351. THOMPSON St. -8 rm. home, gar.

A-1 cond. $3600. Box 172 Union Office. TRAFTON RD. -8-rm.

cottage, 2 complete baths. extra lot, $3700. $500 cash. 7-2069. WINDSOR 17-19 and A home.

There are three apartments This property can be both an Investment of 5 rooms each, two warm air systems and A 2-car garage. With the rents from the 2d and 3d floor apartments the monthly carrying charges amount 10 only $9 a month, including interest. taxes, w8- ter and reduction of mortgage. Small Down Payment. Balance AS Rent SPELD.

INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS Tel. 4.6411 or Your Broker CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Real Estate -SINGLE FOR SALE, 80 CHAPIN TER. Modern 7 rooms, o11 heat, tile bath, large lot, 2-car garage, $6800 TERMS CALL 6-8381 Money to Loan REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Houses for Sale 81 WESTFORD CIRCLE, 179-181-Two-family, and sunrm. each floor, fireplace, 2-CAT. gar.

Monthly income $76. Price $0700. Terms. 6-8381. Lots for Sale 85 ATWATER PARK Attractive desirable large lots.

Strictly residential: 6-8381. CITY OWNED LOTS.0 At sacrifices. John F. Tehan. Realtor 9-10 Court House Place.

Tel. 3-0217 HARKNESS for quick sale. Dox 1003. Union Office. Suburban tor Sale FULLAM SPEED AGENCY has 3 17.

real buva in West Springfield. Tel. 3-0193. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Automobile instruction Driving course, $10. School Est.

1909. Fairbanks Auto School, 41 New Dwight. DRIVING lessons. We call for you. Course $10.

Forest Park Auto School. 6-7490 Miscellaneous WALLPAPER, $1 PER ROOM NEPSCO 115 Dwight 1 Tel. 4-6478 Wanted to Buy LOANS FOR WATCHES, DIAMONDS, SPRINGFIELD JEWELRY LOAN CO, Est. 1912-1618 Main Bowles Bidg. DIAMONDS FOR SALE We Buy Anything ot Value.

People's Jewelry Loan Co. 1813 Main Money to Loan LOANS ON OWN YOUR SIGNATURE For Taxes Clothing Doctor's Bills Coal Phone Mr. Sheridan 4-2127 FOR FULL DETAILS The New Method FINANCE CORPORATION 1562 Main St. License 60 LOANS $300 to $3000 On Autos Trucks Trailers Equipment--Tractors--Store Fixtures Low Rates 1-Dar Service NATIONAL FINANCE CO. 66 Vernon St.

Tel. 2-8918 Christmas Shopping $25 to $300 SAME DAY SERVICE Low Principal Payments ON $25 PAY $1.25 MONTHLY ON Son PAY $2.50 MONTHLY ON $100 PAY $5.00 5 MONTHLY Legal Rate No Red Tape On Your Signature Alone SF. US FIRST Guaranty Loan Plan 206 Spfld. National Bank Bldg. 1537 MAIN S'T.

Tel. 2-3250 State License 212: DERSONAL LOANS ACTUAL LOAN ON YOUR Signciture RECEIVE PAYMENT 'NO ments wage assign- ability All you to need make is pay- the 110 $90 NO stocks or bonds ments chart. 85 shown 170 $6.05 NO NO deductions indiscreet in- Phone or come in. 270 220 11.40 7.39 quiries 14.65 My Friends, embarrassment relatives Personal Repayments 17.75 NOT informed employers FINANCE COMRANY. charges.

both cover loans month in On principal 1618 MAIN Room 209, Bowles Bldg. proportion. 20 C. Hammerstrom, Mgr. size LICENSE 73 TEL.

4-11A1 You Can Get a $100 LOAN in 24 Hours AND REPAY ONLY $6.41 A MONTH Find here the cash loan you need We this loan guarantee the payments table to shown be the in Choose a monthly payment plan and payment full amount you will pay back. when 6 12 16 20 payments are made on schedulc. paymis Darmis paymts paymts These payments include charges at Household's rate of per month on that part 25 4.54 2.44 of a balance not exceeding $100, and per 50 9.08 4.87 $100, month on which that is less part of than a the balance in maximum excess per- of 90 16.34 8.77 6.89 5.77 mitted by law. No endorsers on any loan. No credit inquiries of friends or relatives.

100 18.15 9.75 7.66 6.41 150 27.16 14.56 11.43 9.56 HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 170 30.75 16.47 12.92 10.80 Corporation 200 36.13 19.33 15.15 12.65 9th Floor, Third National Bank Bldg. 270 48.66 25.97 20.33 16.96 1387 Main R. JI. Fuss, Manager 300 54.02 28.82 22.55 18.80 License No. 139.

Phone: Springfield 6-0351 We will lend you up to $50. On Your Name Only -Quickly PUBLIC LOAN CORPORATION ROOM 304 THIRD NATIONAL BANK BLOG. PHONE: 1387 MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD 3-6607, SPRINGFIELD. MASS. LICENSE NO.

163 When you borrow -borrow from this Bank Personal Loans Co-makers generally are not required If you need You sign for You receive Each Total cost for 12 months for 12 months $100 $108 $101.52 $9.00 $6.48 125 132 124.08 11.00 7.92 150 156 146.64 13.00 9.36 175 192 180.48- 16.00 11.52 200 216 203.04 18.00 12.96 250 264 248.16 22.00 15.84 300 324 304.56 27.00 19.44 Loans of $300 and over may be extended 15 months 300 330 305.25: 22.00 24.75 Amounts not scheduled may be borrowed in proportion Total costs are, of course, based upon prompt payment each month DIRECT AUTO LOANS Direct Auto Loans are made at above rates plus costs of Ailing Springfield National Bank Main office: Main and Bridge Streets Branches: 794 State Street 326 Sumner Avenue 144 Main Street. I. O. MATTRESSES OVER MADE $2.50 Tel. 4-3313 Springfield Mattress Co.

Dusted, Shampooed. Repaired. RUGS SPFLD. STEAM CARPET CO. 504 St.

James Ave. 2-8113 Upholstering LIVING ROOM SUITES RE-UPHOLSTERED Free Estimate. Rebuilt Refilled Refinished Recovered 23 $1. WEEK Phone Mr. 7-3535 Money to Loan -SpecialAUTO LOAN SERVICE Owner's Signature Only Cash in One Hour NEW LOW RATES Terms Up to 20 Months Spfld.

Finance Inc. A Local Concern Serving Spfld. Since 1919 1490 Main St. Lic. 77 Tel 4-3193 Automobiles for Sale Prices That Prove It's USED CAR BARGAIN TIME '39 Chev.

Trg. Sed. $535 '39 Ply. Trg. Sed.

$535 '39 Mercury Trg. Sed. $545 '36 Chev. Trg. Sed.

$245 '36 Dodge Trg. Sed. $345 '36 Ford Trg. Sed. $175 '37 Terraplane Trg.

Sed. $325 '35 Olds Trg. $265 Open Erenings WARRINER PONTIAC COMPANY 883 MAIN ST. TEL. 2-6201 TODAY'S SPECIALS Studebaker 6.

Tre. Sedan, Low Mileage, Black Color, Heater, One Owner $465 '37 Packard 120 Trg. Sedan. Reconditioned thruout, Gray Paint. Excellent $375 '38 LaSalle Club Coupe.

Radio Heater. New Black Paint. 6 Wheel Model '35 Studebaker 6 Trg. Sedan $125 '36 Plymouth very good $295 '31 Nash Trg. Sedan, very '37 good DeSoto Trg.

Sedan $95 '25 Dodge Tre. Sedan '39 Dodge Tre. Sedan '39 P'lymouth Coupe '36 Dodge Tre. Medan '37 La Salle Tre. Sedan '38 Buick 81 Sedan, 17,000 miles $650 $38 '36 Packard Packard 120-B Tre.

Sed. $325 120 Tre. Sedan '38 Packard 120 Conr. Coupe, Radio $725 80 Cars in Stock PACKARD Motor Car Co. of N.

Y. 721 State St. Open Eves. 4-5681 OIL DRUM FAUCET COMPLETE $4.50 Flat and Gloss White Paint 98c Gal. Ash Cans 98c FRANKLIN HARDWARE CORP.

1943 Slain Near Franklin 3-1078 Houses for Sale 2 Family for Sale 22-24 EAGLE ST. Modern 12 rooms, 2-car garage, excellent condition, large lot. Price reasonable. TERMS CALL 6-8381 Automobiles for Sale CHRYSLER '40 Chrysler Traveler Sedan, $995 '40 Deluxe $675 '40 Chrysler Windsor Conv. $995 '39 Chrysler Royal $685 '39 Plymouth 4-Dr.

Tour. $545 '39 DeSoto Tour. $675 '39 Olds 4-Dr. Tr. $625 Ralph D.

Jones, Inc. 721 Worthington St. Tel. 6-6301 Open Evenings Till 9 PLYMOUTH Modern large 21 REAL BUYS '37 Plym. $319 '40 Dodge Touring Sedan $749 '39 Buick 61 Club $489 '36 Olds Touring $329 '38 LaSalle V8 Trg.

Sedan $689 '37 Packard 120 Trg. Sed. $389 '38 Chevrolet 5 Pass. Sd. $469 '36 Pontiac 5 Pass.

Sed. $329 '39 Olds 6 Conv. '38 Cadillac 65 Trg. Sed. $829 '37 Chrysler Trg.

Sedan $429 '34 Dodge Convert. Coupe $179 '36 Stude. 5 Pass. Sedan $329 '40 Packard 120 Trg. Sed.

$829 '39 Ford 5 Pass. '40 Buick 51 Trg. Sedan $929 '35 Chev. 5 Pass. Sedan $289 '38 Linc.

Zeph. Trg. Sedan $589 '39 Olds 6 Trg. Sedan $619 '36 LaSalle Trg. Sedan $329 '35 Cadillac 8 Trg.

Sed. $329 70 Cars to Choose From All with Heaters Most with Radios ALLEN CADILLAC. Teed Car Store Ver Car Storer 513 Main- 29 Belmont Are. Cor. Marble Dial 7-2661 Dial 1-4141 Santa Says: "I'VE BOUGHT A NEW If you can't afford a new Packard, a "Santa Special" is the next best buy: SANTA SANTA MANTA SPECIAL SPECIAL L'.

'37 De Soto Tre. 6P- 038 Chevrolet Coupe. $37 Packard 6 Trg. dan. Dependable, pro- Black.

Vers J'ine Car. A real bargain. model. nomical: Now. $365 $385 $395 '39 Dodge Trg.

Sedan '38 Studebaker 6 Trg. Sed. $475:. '38 Plymouth Coupe $485 '40 Mercury Club Coupe, '37 LaSalle Trg. Sedan $495 3800 miles, Radio.

'38 LaSalle Club Radio $575 '37 Chevrolet Town $345 '38 Dodge Trg. Sedan '35 Plymouth Trg. '38 Buick 81 Sedan, '35 Studebaker Trg. Sedan $125- 17,000 miles $645 '36 Packard 120 Trg. Sedan $295.

'38 Buick 68 Trg. Sedan, '37 Packard 6 Trg. $395 a beauty $545 '38 Packard 6 Trg. '39 Chevrolet Coupe '38 Packard 120 Conv. '37 Plymouth Trg.

Coupe, Fadio $725 '36 Hudson Trg. Sedan $185 '40 Packard 120 Conv. Cpe. $995: 84 Values To Choose From--Liberal Trades and Terms PACKARD MOTOR CAR CO. OF N.

Y. 721 STATE ST. OPEN EVES. TEL. 4-5681 1-.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.